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Introduction	6
Drawing Materials	8
Digital Painting Tools 10
Acadian Dragon
Dracorextis acadius Great Dragon of the rugged Maine seacoast
Icelandic Dragon
Dracorexus reykjavikus Great Dragon of the frozen north
Scandinavian dragon
Dracorexus songenjjordus Cobalt and azure-scaled
5 Establish the Underpainting
Create a new layer in 50% opacity Normal mode. Rough in the color palette, giving each object a generalized local color, then work on the interrelation of the orange sunlight filtering through the translucent green wing.
4 Set Base Color
Transform your sketch from

Mating Habits
The male Icelandic white dragon has a largo wattle under its chin that turns red during the mating season. As part of its display, he is able to Inflate the wattle; combined with its loud calls, fire beacons and wing displays, wtiat a dramatic sight!
Confrontations With Narwhals
ThrouglKnjt history, the most famous of all the Icelandic white dragon's prey has been the enigmatic narwhal. Living within the extreme northern range of the Icelandic white dragon, the nar whal is one of the few animals in the world that has evolved a natural defense
When planning a painting of the Icelandic white dragon, itemize the qualities of the dragon that have been learned through the previous studies:
•	White markings
•	Arctic environment
•	Large delta wing design
•	Broad skull horns and dramatic upward
2 Complete the Preliminary Computer Sketch
Working with your computer, create a sketch in a Photoshop grayscale document. Refer to your thumbnail design to begin the painting. This preliminary sketch phase is for general placement of the main figure to see how it is balanced in the format. Note
When working in my studio on the painting of the Icelandic white dragon, 1 was reminded of a day in Iceland. Conceit Niflheim and I were socked in on the slopes of Mt. Snaefellsjokull during a terrible snowstorm. Spending our time sketching in the shelter as the snow blew
3Add Shading and Value Variation
Gradually develop the anatomy and design of the dragon on top of your preliminary sketch. Use shading and value variation since the white-on-white palette will be fairly limited in hue. The values of the shapes and their contrasts against their adjacent shapes
5 Establish Color
Change your digital file mode to RGB and shift the color balance to any color you want to enhance your underpainting.
6 Continue Developing Color
Work in semitransparent layers over your underpainting—also known as ébauche. This is the same whether working traditionally or
7 Render the Final Details
At this point all forms of color and value relationships are established, as well as all of the compositional design elements. It is now time to render all of the details of the final painting. The palette uses rich colors, opaque paint and the finest detail brushes.
Scandinavian Expedition
From Iceland we moved eastward on our World Dragon Expedition to Scandinavia. Conceil and I arrived safely in the city of Bergen, Norway, on our next leg of the adventure to study the great Scandinavian blue dragon. The city of Bergen is the cultural capital of Norway,
The Scandinavian blue dragon is a broad-ranging species down to make lairs as far south as Scotland, east into Russia, and even as far west as the Faroe Islands (thus bringing ; blue dragon into occasional contact with white and dragons). The plentiful populations of seals,

Color Variations
The famous blue dragon of Norway Is not always blue. The Scandinavian dragon possesses the widest range of coloring among individuals and regions, even changing throughout the seasons. Patterns and colors on these males make identification easier for scientists.
herring. The extinction of the European wyvern in the late 19th century, combined with whale hunting controls in the late 20th century, has helped to	\m, l
dramatically increase the number of Scandinavian blue dragons.	ki.
As such, they have the highest conserva-	i
Soaring high over the North Atlantic coast of Norway, the Scandinavian blue dragon can glide for hours searching the ocean for pods of whales and schools of fish.
The long thin snout on the Scandinavian blue dragon allows it to agilely hunt fish at the water s edge. Although all
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randinavian blue dragon has not posed much of it to humans despite living in close proximity for •ies. The dragon has been regarded by Scandinavian es as a creature of great magic and power and was ularly revered by early Nordic and Viking cultures, the very
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Scandinavian blue Dragon
In my studio I am able to begin working on my final painting of the Scandinavian blue dragon. Referencing my journal notes and sketches, I try to develop a painting that will exhibit this beautiful animal to its best. It is helpful to itemize the features

2 Complete the Preliminary Computer Sketch
Once you have settled on a basic design, begin your computer sketch using a stylus and tablet. Use simple chisel and round brushes while sketching to replicate the aesthetic of pencil drawing and broad paintbrush washes. At this point work in
Composition is the fundamental arrangement of elements that make up a work of art. The goal in painting, as in music, dance or any other art form, is to create a composition that is balanced. Too much of one thing or another can throw off the arrangement and make the work
3Add the First Layer of Details
Once you're satisfied with the design of the painting, double the dpi to 300, allowing you to work In close and render all the little tiddly bits and fjords that are so much fun. Detailing the wings and scales helps make the animal much more believable.,драконы
5 Add a New Layer of Color
Apply a new layer of semiopaque paint (ébauche) over the underpainting, applying a local color and some added texture to the forms in the image. Blocking in a color, ébauche is done with broad simple brushes in a 50% opacity normal mode.
6 Add Texture and Deepen the
7 Add the Details
Deepen the colors and render the details of the dragon’s face and body. Don't forget that little dot of white to make his eye look wet. How do you paint a dragon? One brushstroke at a time. There are no shortcuts or filters or tricks you can use to get the effect you need.
Welsh Cane
This cane was presented to Sir Geoffreys greatgrandfather in 1899 by Edward, Prince of Wales, future King Edward VII of England. This prized family heirloom has passed from father to son for three generations. The head of the cane is a claw from a dragon hunted by the prince and
Sir Geoffrey explained to us during our expedition a great ral about the biology of the Welsh red dragon. While it is ic that the Welsh red is the rarest of the western dragons, its protected status for hundreds of years under the protec -of the royal crown has allowed the animal to survive. Like
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Color Variations
Like other dragons, the Welsh red dragon has a wide variation of patterns and colors between male and female. The frills and horns of the male are absent in the female, as are the bright markings that become deeper in the fall.
Welsh Red Dragon Juvenile
"dragon on the moor"
The great Welsh red dragon ot folklore and history is by tar the most famous within the Dracorexidae family of drag-. Although the red dragons do not have as large a range the white and blue dragons and are far rarer (estimated than 200 remaining), they hold the distinctions
Dragon Songs
Welsh red dragons bellow deep sonorous songs that can be heard over tong miles. This helps them to navigate among other dragons even when visibility is low.
Wings as Protection
The large sail-like wings of dragons are filled with blood vessels. Lying in the warm sun, even on a cold
Perhaps nowhere else in the world is the land so intertwined with its dragons as in Wales. Wales is synonymous with dragons, and the Welsh red dragon is emblazoned on their Hag and woven into their national mythology, i' The dragons had very little contact with humans until the ['English
WeUk Rzd Siyktmys
Here are a few of the sketches of the Welsh red dragon from our treks through the Trcnadog Royal Dragon Trust.
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Welsh Red Dragon
Working in my studio, I used sketchbooks of studies from our trip to Wales to develop a painting of the Welsh red dragon. My first memory was of its bright fire displays. I knew that this painting would need to be dominated by the dramatic fire light. Here is a list of aspects of
2 Establish the Underpainting
Refine the drawing in grayscale to render the dragon's form. In this early stage. I include a large fireball as a major compositional element. Establish the form and value of the lighting and light effects.

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Intensify the Light Source
Surrounding your light source with a field of darker, more muted colors makes it appear even brighter. In this example you can see why dragons use fire to communicate over great distances. At night, these beacons can be seen for miles, turning a simple sketch into a
4 Establish the Colors
Apply 50% opaque Normal mode layer over the painting to establish the local colors of the elements. Choosing complemen tary colors for this image is quite obvious-. A red dragon and a bright yellow fireball dictate a dark purple and green background. This creates both color
Practice and study sculpture to better understand the behavior of light and shadow on objects. When you are stumped on how a certain object should look
under particular lighting, work from a model. I have a collection of toy monsters and dinosaurs that
6 Add the Finishing Touches
Rendering the little details is the hardest but most important part of finishing a painting. At times it can be daunting, but the rewards are well worth it. As I often told Conceit along our expedition when he would grumble, the difference between a professional and an


Monte Gagnant
Map of the Cinque Terre, Italy
Italian and Ligurian Rags
Liguria Is a region in northern Italy containing the province of La Spezia.
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’vf; The Ligurian gray dragon is not only the rarest but also the most biologically different of all of the Great Dragons. It is > also the only dragon species that has more than live supra-metacarpals in its wings. A total of ten metacarpal bones radiate out from the radius and ulna bones
Ligurian Gray Dragon Male Overhead, Wingspan 25' (8m)
The coloring on the male ranges from pale silver to vibrant purple.
Ligurian Gray Dragon Female Overhead, Wingspan 25' (8m)
The mottled brown tones of the female allow her to camouflage into the rocky cliffs.
Ligurian Gray Dragon Egg, 6"
terranean Seas (ACCBAMS), in 1998 the population of porpoises in these waters had dropped 99 percent since 1950 (from 1 million to 10,000). In the late 20th century, drastic measures were taken to protect cetaceans living in the Mediterranean. 'I he Pelagos Marine Sanctuary, formerly the Ligurian
Sunbathing Gray Dragon
The Mediterranean sun helps the warm themselves.
Feeding Frenzy
The relatively small teeth of the gray dragon are used to grasp the fish that it feeds upon.
Non Somministrare i Dragoni Do Not Feed The Dragons Ne Pas Nourrir ies Dragons No se Alimentan los
Based upon documents from earlier studies and depictions in scientific journals from as early as the 17th century, it is believed that the Ligurian gray dragon has shrunk in size almost 30 percent. With the depletion of marine mammals, the gray has needed to change its feeding habits from

Gray Dragon
of the Ligurian dragon is quite different others. Revisiting my sketchbooks and notes, I of the exquisite colors present on the Italian Here is an itemization of the qualities I want to include to best illustrate this dragon:
•	Elaborate head frills
•	Elongated and sinuous body

2 Complete the Preliminary Computer Sketch
Whether you are working in a traditional or digital medium, the process of drawing is the same. Beginning the work with large general shapes allows the drawing to come into focus slowly and broadly. The image is in grayscale at this point so as to
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5 Add Color
Start painting the first new layer.
Set at 50% opacity Normal layer using bright colors on a broad loose allows you to establish local colors individual objects. Keep it loose and fast. Separating this with a new layer allows you to make changes or experiment with colors without
6 Lay In Shadows
Create a new 50% opacity Multiply mode layer, and lay a loose glaze of shadows. This technique is a holdover from an oil painting technique where you lay In a colored glaze in order to reestablish the forms and light after the initial color underpainting.
7 Refine the Background
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Crimean Expedition
Departing from the sunny and bright climate of northern Italy, Conceil and 1 began the next leg of our expedition to one of the most mysterious dragon regions of the world— the Ukraine and the Crimean peninsula. Here we studied the least understood of the Great Dragons, the
Range of the Crimean Black Dragon
К p иMс ь к i Ч о p н о г о Дракона
Historical Range Present Range,драконы,длиннопост,длинный длиннопост,art,арт,красивые картинки
Crimean black dragon is fairly small by comparison to some of its Great Dragon cousins, usually being no more than 25' (8m) long with a 50' (15m) wingspan. There are, however, rumors that during the height of the War, Soviet scientists at the Dracotechnikal Institute were bioengineering

Crimean Black Dragon Male Overhead, Wingspan 50’ (15m)
Crimean Black Dragon Female Overhead, Wingspan 50' (15m)
Crimean Black Dragon Head
The distinctive profile of the Crimean black dragon's head varies by individual and more greatly between families. Both the male and female

The Crimean black dragon once ted upon the legendary sturgeon that grew to extraordinary sizes, but the diminishing sea life of the region has caused the dragon to diminish in both size and numbers.
The Crimean black dragon was at one time a common sight as far west as the Carpathian
Crimean Lair
Before the 20th century. Crimean black dragons made their lairs in the craggy seashores of the Black. Caspian and Azov Seas and fed upon the giant sturgeon that once populated the waterways. Today Crimean black dragons in the wild are extremely rare as their diet of sturgeon and
imean peninsula has been one of the most bitterly over pieces of geography in history, from the Greeks Romans to the Ottoman lurks. In 1854, the Crimean War between the Russians and the French ravaged the area, in WWII Crimea was sought after by both the Russians and the Germans. Both conflicts
Wartime Propaganda
Soviet-era propaganda poster featuring the Crimean dragon. Courtesy of the Simferopol Historical Society.
Simferopol Dracodrome
1960s U2 photograph of the Simferopol Dracodrome. Courtesy of the United States Army.,драконы,длиннопост,длинный длиннопост,art,арт,красивые картинки
Black Dragon
on a painting of the Crimean dragon requires ging together all of my field sketches and notes into a illustration. To begin, I catalogue all the elements that dragon embodies:
Aerodynamic body Black markings Rugged Crimean landscape
Create a Thumbnail Sketch
Working from my
3 Continue Rendering the Sketch
Drawing and painting is not a stepty-step process, but rather an evolution. The painting grows and changes as you work. I do not have a fully formed image in my head of the finished drawing when I begin work. Think of your work like a lump of clay that can be shaped
Perspective is the artistic illusion of making objects appear to recede into the distance. There are essentially three kinds of perspective—linear perspective, atmospheric perspective and foreshortening. In painting the Crimean black dragon, I combined all three techniques to
5 Continue Developing Background Details
Continue refining the background elements until the necessary detail has been achieved. It is much easier to work out these details now than having to alter the painting at a later stage.
6 Set the Base Color
Once you're satisfied with the rendering,
8 Establish Shadows
Add a 50% opacity Multiply mode layer over this to create a quick shadow layer to help unify the lighting and form.
9 Refine Background Elements
Working on the background in a new 100% opacity Normal layer, render the green details of the shore and light tones of the castle,
Ю Refine the Focal Point
Refine the detail and contrast of the focal point: the dragon's face. Even in this tight fragment the use of all three perspective tools is apparent. The final rendering of the dragon takes time and patience. Here the paint brushes become very small and the paint becomes
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ese Expedition
We, however, were not headed for the rural mountains of China; we went directly into one of the most polluted areas of the world, the Bohai Economic Rim, perhaps the largest industrial center on the planet. The Bohai is estimated to be home to over 100 million humans—more than the
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■Bf China
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Mane and Facial Features
The distinctive mane of the Chinese yellow dragon is thought to be used as a courtship charm. The thick mane, a mixture of fur and elongated scales, grows more ornate and full on the males as they get older. The nasal horn, unique to the males, also grows more prominent
a lush and beautiful land, the Bohai Sea is now completely dead, destroyed by pollution and overpopulation. With an active oil drilling industry in the Bohai and Yellow Seas adding to the environ-atal impact, the Chinese yellow dragons food source been depleted for nearly 50 years. The Chinese
Traveling in the Bohai Sanctuary
Access to Tong Long Huo is limited to charted tours aboard boats like this one. Fortunately, we were granted special access by the Bohai Dragon Sanctuary.
Tong Long Huo
In 2003, Tong Long Huo became the first living creature to became a World Heritage Site.
The dragons of Asia, and specifically China, have been linked to cultural, national and religious identity since recorded history. Nowhere else in the world is the dragon treated with such universal reverence. In parts of China the people sometimes even refer to themselves as “the i

Yellow Dragon Head Variations
There are more than 30 documented species of yellow dragons on the Asian continent and adjoining islands. As you can see from these different heads, yellow dragon depictions vary greatly.
Chinese Statue
Dragons represent good fortune and statues like this one are
Chinese Yellow Dragon
1 Develop Thumbnail Sketches
. Sketch the Chinese yellow dragon in various poses to find a design that will best demonstrate its unique attributes.
accumulated during my expedition to China. Using these sketches as my guidelines I can begin to create an
and Layers
With the layering feature, you can paint each stage of a painting on its own layer (like an acetate overlay sheet), then control each layer independently.
In Photoshop, create a new layer by choosing Layer menu > New to set each layer to any of
Tutorial: Opacity and modes
Overlaying different parts of the painting using layer image. Scan an interesting texture and experiment opacity and layer mode can dramatically alter your with opacity and modes in Photoshop.
Step A
I begin by importing a grayscale scan of texture from my texture
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Although the Elwah brown dragon has been known by the Native American tribes of the Pacific Northwest for millennia, the first European account of the brown dragon took place in 1778. Captain Cooks third circumnavigation of the world brought his ship HMS Resolution to Vancouver Island for
Texture is an artistic term that ranges across all the disciplines and creative pursuits. Whether discussing the texture of a piece of music, sculpture, food or even landscape design, texture is a tangible, tactile quality that gives a work its dimension.
Whether you
Appendix 3
Dragon Flight
A mystery that has surrounded Great Dragons for centuries has always been their ability to fly. How such a massive creature is able to become airborne mystified scientists and biologists until the 18th century when dragon llight was studied and understood. Some early
Dracorexus acadius,драконы,длиннопост,длинный длиннопост,art,арт,красивые картинки