Liber Astartes + Liber Hereticus

Уже неделю, как протекли сливы из новых книг правил по Ереси, а их так и не продемонстрировали публике JoyReactor`а. 
Будем исправлять, материалы взяты из группы "The Horus Heresy Age of Darkness" (фотки в полном размере можно посмотреть при открытии в новой вкладке и их очень много)
I Тёмные Ангелы
I'1 legiones astartes
*»»hc Dark Angel* returned from the outer exige* of the CrfÁcA «hriww t<* learn oh» late oí th at isxtvan. Too far away from any hope of intervening. they »rfcj Legion inermed. billing to rivir their defiance and seek retribution Foreseeing this eventuality.
cnnrflyof models with the Upon« A,un« (Dark Angel,) %Drtla1 „ .	1
u un.t *»«!* <**"* m°dC,‘m"y ** "**«l to «ket a ,pee,hc^n» ZiTZ' “S? *	1
L, rrofilc) All models m a unit mu« wlect the «me HexaR,ammaton I^h^	^ * notcd 1
t i^ated Transport must tele« the ume Unit
ТЬеЫМщсотре^а^Ыпеш opOoo* +nd War^ar тШс only to Druchm^	t ^*-5
* exemplify* the future of ltut legion.	*"*Ь
eJSXSZZ';=•	•
Tl« Wuro« Of	аифт* •*» • poorly of ay drawn
Ai the First Upon.	aneruil of the Unification Wan of Ancient Terra; ftfic wre^. . T*4*
V /Inr legion, the Dark
n,jdc '***"*> * n"Hlck ",,h*•'f******mt,to , Ttm Advanctd ******* * „	AJv*mrd Ration* arc activated in unique and »pet.fv (D**
Ancei*' **<ul ln,lkr , rjn ha»e pmf» hanging effect» Advanced Reaction» u»e up
tpcelhcxlh noted ncfmtor in their descnptH.n
«-----Kartlt when a Charce U	„
Rite or War: The Storm of War
The Srormuing ore mastery of the open battlefield. RtBD of %hot and %hell When the l\irk Angels mutter for war in all their glory. it is the XUtnhals of the Storm of War that plan and order the hartley that will shatter the foe's armies and grind rheir empires into

anCHS Rm* or W ar

I'm» N”" »»m

SA*fcmw nux he «rfcrvtrU u Tru»^
I fWlt -i----	■»-----——■ i
• i“*‘_	^ j pnaiwirnT uxing thi\ Rue *\t War
«m* ** wicctrd *% Qnn
•	vc a DfOcteKM using this Rue of \v*r OMRhMt using rtux Rue of War maUc
*	»v model' with the Infantry Unit Tvpe. the 1nit
.........noPo.NTS	till
^ *rt »> mbobsm. the Order* of the t i.
‘"r ,ryW teaet ond dangerous knowledge oc9u'rrd on the bmtlefwid IM jltr*1 ^ setrran »orrvr* were m.ruifr, of the Order* untj „„ thnr
.	ugjon Tartaros Centurion or la*>on Cataphractit Centurion
Crnt° Asurto (Da* Angel») »pecial rule
.. ... Тм* Sii«*'s Akkow
h*~ d,.rm0t
*'шкп»<т Лг fteU of ш*г
# l<f*k’n	% {*• Reeled a» Troop« i Hokw in a
$*»•****' t a**»C ***** R*lc ot Ww
pt«*****^ -y—^-teT model« in a Drtachmrm Mm(
. ****\jV*M that h»*e the Cavain Unit Tvpe and tfc* ***“ •
! ixlutfymaenr

L'°tSU°n’ Th<Son°f 'hc
font, pri
M ws BS s
. The Leonine P*nopty
. The Lion Sword
. The Fusil Actinjeus . Stasis grenades • Frag grenades
Special Rol„
Ic-gioncc Asurtcr, .
•	Master of the 'k Nth-
•	Ad-nanOumV^
•	The Lion , Chole,
•	The Point
rv „tjaI went A«*	ha"1' *» had bureau „„I
"fth'l°’ ** ,hr rlh<wni mean.
■ d"Znt brwr hU fnrmy SWl'ly a,hewK able and a*"« ot	*“**'* hark no wmp Of his
l*"r ho wcucalploy or shoo of arrngth could coy hi, l’r\n,„, nor do» his onslaught oner haul, WUI ,v,ned W**	,nd only on thr point of a blade
Unit Co ni pot it ion
•	4 I Vjthwtng Companion*
•	I Dcjlhwing Oiihbrjrct
•	Olibunitc wjibhJc
•	Bolter
•	Holt pistol
■	Artificer armour
■	Frag grenades
1 Krak grenades Refractor field (Deathwing
* ^-"HwmgOathbrarr, Inf«*-iCKlrvtn IV...I_.
(Character. IVathwin*)
honoured «

r <W	pnx™*m <*** »«W,
^-thw.«* eompiiwon Deuthmrn« may only be «rimed as	. fv,^______
^ «tth bt^ ih^	^thc •'Htion and the	d1«	ac ka* oec
oanner .s considered a -Retinue Squad and «he model	**** A «* «»««*
^STa-T«M-u. ode, •' referred .oa, «He	^
Marduk Sedras .
\\W [&}//// J ¡^“"hc'V^y-.hirdOrd«, Fska.onof.hc Dreading, Preceptor of the Shattered Sceptre
220 PolNTs
A irtenm of the ewrUert horrid of the Terror, vton of Umfcanoti. Marduk
. has wned the Emperor m battle for mart than i fmo and-a-half centunn.
temper rhofi almost | ar
1 a mastemori TfrranK 9rratiM'ordgranted to Cofjuum fc> /,
^atAdsexmorsby Levon Master Unan Vtndtaia toLl 'Z'T' ?*"* * '*	that 7V «.a,
^ycampa^ogains,,Hat foul »not breed by a champs	ond*m mddZ'ZZ^
TV »«pon ^rc is counted * a IWe, Wapon fo,
«nat aflect UKh weapons
R^njcc Sir AP T>pt
Eaen among U'< brethren of the tn/itmou * Dreoduimi the Interemptors are a gnn breed. iiedy.utrdat they areroa angularpurpose - the utter annihilation ty (V enemy. When the \nteremptors attack, theI I .r, o behind no tract of rAei compter - no \\t.cs no ruins, nothing.
[ . take no trophies of h
• |'r4H»p4,r*
lnXttt'TZ^X Z^n^T" TV“''''*''' ” - l**" ^ lUidcr P totem C.trtet ...
• Æa*	*•«***■»** Tf«mpoft,tht*doe* notuuupan
Korvc Organisation slot, hut lu point* c<h| mu« .till he paid fof .* part of the almy
^^dwing Interemptor St|u.ul may take:
• lV in additional Interemptor*...........
Corswain.............................200 Point«
Paladin of the Ninth Order, Champion of the Dark Angel* Legion	*
ximpion of the Pari get*. Contain* name ne which иill echo i n through the ages. mphfying the qualities alwart determination mastery of the e. Corswain w«s the g
|	Sedras has sersed hi, Legion for m„rr lhan ttm tmurjn
I ¿¿v*«7*11« O'" "* fo"9>™- of,Hr Crru, Crux*	7^:	S»»« »Wks „ worrf ,„
each of their Ugsons at war in warzonn beyond sount ,H,„ ^\l"Ugh'b"'* r°<h of lhr rnncnZ 7,
J /auglones. ^ ,n Hi, taie, other, find ,hr wisdom ,B
I ., [he start
.^sek Circle *ni	»7s I»0
1' ■	M ws B!> s T___ w |
. , order f"«Ptor
. Terr**«*1“"
. pu»m*-<J*,rr
. ujjooCâuphrac«'
Tcrmiruiof armour
Unit Type
. Infantry (Character, Heavy) Special Rule»
. legione» Astartc» (Dark Angth, . Rclentle»»
III Дети Императора
IV Железные Воины
У ЖВ многое вырезали, включая Голга, Кир Валена и хавоков
V Белые шрамы
g*| > «he dark da vs of the Mono Herc-«y unfolded, the T\ loyalty of the unpredictable White Scar» »» doubted o> many who should have been allies and presumed by those who would become enemies Such wav their reputation at the outset of the Horn» Heresy, ilut those who sought to rule
Whits Scars Warlord Traits
a ‘Л-irl.'rd M>()| rtw	ABiilfi i\Vh«c Snnl vpnval iuV ил нкс« a Wartuid Tr*k (mn,
ЬгЬг»	-ч wlrttwgt o*c of fix Core Wulonl Train

HffOci Sow Ox (loyalist only)
(tort iteamviit .«ч*	.»«* tAr wirm.i «i'r*r. of
the Mfecr Sr*o П«пт й'Ч1/»..и*ч vvui о/ t/vwr «пот ■tar	«Г
„ SCAR* Advanced Reaction
STS***»*■*'*'?i'tv*IMe°**r“*u-uu,u^rUDrni t	-—
U"	Reaction». Advanced Reac,^ * *	.K,,
<V.r	and .an oft«, have ,, "" *,r «’'v-rd * .	*U**"" Aua««, ,ww.
^«0* <* vs ,nd' ”"* Adv'*'K'fd Re action may be nude <
Z!L»iX”	unit fnth * Move «¡th
W'HiTfc Scars Kiits 01 War
«•'«hh*. .hr ^*lo«»A«u„„tWhM v .
„ ,i uk**Io * *"* •*« "“*•*«•! v*«h «1,, Mlu„ of">*r ..
'*«<*• «Pn.ulruW-
ioifbt fottovwr* Rii«alW« »fc-.j
gu« or	c ••«dorian Broth I mhoou
‘n 't* ( '“V"'«" '«<W. ro lA/ v	^
1	1	B, (A,
—V V7 — cep»
/Vm*mtrweo. Compos'd of a body
I to natontivi >и<мг<мм < *ч <.l nn .4	*nJ	*'*>1»Ы* .mt>	»«b lb«
ЛМ»« SКЧЫ «ею »«J шя|Мп ih< B.iMfi « И I tor 1 <ffem
I M.KIS Sihmmiib |i 1 nihi
.4 ш> МкМ .V lA, «,пШ)лМ/	the »to Von I*

Any ainM WHh Ndh ito I *J[kMtr» AUAItr* <W hits VilU 4AJ lrJryx»ifTil	.jJ
i U»v»uajuj: !
tmii*- -Й;
rw имев Mr (Г^сЬк 1
The l-зягга Bet
Неиг» L игусЕЫе^Ч, Мо(Г Sba± Putv: few
foror Aey Pwfcer Bith a «ори» o' aber, w«h tfu* yxvu.1 та* (W/ , Bji* а ЛусЬс check beftre mai^g *sy attack* with -Jar %*opc' о.
Jaghatai Khan................~......
Khjg^n of I lie White Sears, The Warhawk,
Matter of the Ice-blue I leavens, Primarth of the Wh
440 p0

The Klun Afoot The Khan Mounted
•The additional Movement ¿¡tuned by the legtoon A\um& ,Wfct rm hided. Unless upqtaded to hose c Sojunu
TV NS ildfi« Panoply
*JuK°*P™"»»* >0* <* “<"*■"■ and bo,' a numb,, of unbp« »vrm, ,„ impnnx h, iWl. ummcM ^
TV WlWiK ft'»pl>'	bl'ynou, Save, a 4* Invulnerable Save dunnS .he phase a,vial.
|mulnctaMe Save during both the Movement phase and the Assault phase
Lightning From Blue Skies
,Horus Heresy,Ересь Хоруса,Wh Past,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Warhammer 30000,Wh News,длинопост,Wh Other
<**^rjgan A»aufc Speed« Squadron may lake:
* up to 2 additional Ky/agan Assault Speeders
.„odel may take up to two hunter-killer missiles for
i Assault Speeder
Kyragan; -	>make much use of the various speeders available to the Leghaes Astone*, and operate u number of'unique
The White Xy-^aoan
Golden Keshig Squadron---.40 Po,**
M	WS	BS	s	V	w	1	A	».4 ,
- —	 *	4	4	4	*4	1	fy
£££££*-	-	5	4	4	4	1	4	J
* 2«
,7vWtfwnK VkHWtt *mnml by "* L*f***>	•'**« *** *«*«*
. ; Olden keshig Rkjtts . 1 Golden Krshtg Champion
• Legion Shamshir ictbikc . Artificer armour »
Keshig Cohort................... p01NTS
M ws	BS S T VV	1 A Ld <fc
	~r	 8* 4	4 4 4 2 '	* 10 2»
•The additional Movement granted by the Ugiones Astan n (White Sear, i ip#,uU amduded.		
^Composition . sKhw«*’	Unit Type « Infantry	
vuite" . IV-wer glai'-e . upon TaxtanxTerminator armour
faster of the Keshig, Chosen of the Khagan
.....2*0 pt
The additional Movement granted hy the Legion* Mtarte, (W7,,
is included.
Unit Composition
•	1 Qin Xa
•	Legion Tartaros Terminator armour
•	Iron halo
•	Grenade harness
•	The Tails of the Dragon
Unit Type

of the KohiK
* n&rt denoted an elite formation of warriors unhin the White *
rdM and fix-Mdm **%' »"fm. only one Kcshig needed no Z'h	‘“f“* *** loaned sm„m	n
Stx* *■#J**** nos a cadre of,he	£^££7*" "*
jM* * Qin X* the mo« fm««/©/the Pnmanh's warlords	** Wh,lr &** and was <„,,
If Oin X. is
VI Космические Волки
VI Имперские Кулаки
VIII Повелители Ночи
IX Кровавые Ангелы
X Железные Руки
XII Пожиратели Миров
XIII Ультрамарины
Возможно Локутариев и Фульминаторов вырезали
XIV Гвардия Смерти
XV Тысяча Сынов
, a Sekhmet Terminator Cabal may inc|Ulje.
. Upt0 5 additional Sekhmet......
, My model in the unit may exchange^".................
- Slagn* combi-weapon............ COmb>-boltcr ........................
. Minor combi weapon............. .................... °nt of the foliowi......
Dreadnought Talon..........
Unit Composition
•	1 Contemptor-Osiron Dreadnought Wargear
•	Gravis bolt cannon
•	Gravis force blade with in built combi-bolter
•	Atomantic deflector
Unit Type
• Dreadnought (Psyla-,.)
Special Rules
I jIk Corvid*«" Sceptre
| ynW9aihoth a mark °fhh «ation os, ,V Cttv^aean ^fP,re ,vaS a long slave W claim that this artefact mas one ofs, coatTotii'm their power.
The «capon
is counted
flieCorvidacan Sceptre
I arelimjgister of the Corvidae
I Muck Ahrinian gains the
r ofShadC' . suit of artificer power armour art layer upon layer of psychically chanpd 9(>T
Amon’s own abilities to pass unseen, or even to appear ai another »ho-
"vLei'^10 jtoaaflr,,f,lt'
r~- ’	^Uns''n'°'"'n',Z,nf*xh«'»>^
n. Arm our of Shades provides a 2+ Armour Save. and„„	a’
XVI Сыны Хоруса
XVII Несущие Слово
M ws
___	~J	r
ZÎdu Uy>k	7	S
Blade Sb'«
Unit compoii'i°"
. Bolt pistol . The Azurda Char is
. Artificer armour . Iron halo
. The Panoply of Flame
. Frag grenades . Krak grenades
Wargear (Blade Slaves)
. Plasma pistol . Anakatis blade . Power armour
H.GM C,,APtl‘Vmi*«r> of «he Warmaster, *<>S p S ^-^mordiaiTrutH V c"i,dofth v, WS BS S x w ,	
	5 4 4 ^ ^ Unit Type . Infantry (Character, Corrupted, Unique ’■
Wargear . plasma pi»'“1 •	Crux Malifica . Artificer armour •	Iron halo . Frag grenades . Krak grenades	Special Ruin •	Ugiones Asurtes
,1*1'^	decorated with the defaced
f *£^'t’>'iauajorus t Empcr°rs *‘4*^^**^
Range --	VJ ’"fitlf ,i.'

0”	M*MWi
fCbao*	**>»
H***£ent that includes High Chaplain Erebus may »1** Rainstorm Daemon Army last - these choices Up to 'Hree „
^?£ char, as norma,, but must begin the ba,S£££ -
XVIII Саламандры
XIX Гвардия Ворона
XX Альфа Легион