МИД Украины потребовал от РФ в течение 48 часов предоставить информацию о точных районах проведения военной деятельности, численности военных, типах вооружений и военной техники на прилегающих к Украине территориях.

Если Российские власти откажутся отвечать или ответ будет неполным Украина обратится в РФ и другие государства для созыва чрезвычайной встречи, согласно Венскому документу ОБСЕ, на которой РФ должна будет предоставить разъяснения.
Dmytro Kuleba ф ... • 18 мин
Russia has 48 hours to reply. In case of absence of reply or its insufficiency/irrelevance, Ukraine will address Russia, as well as other participating states of the Vienna Document, in order to convene an extraordinary meeting where Russia will have to provide
Dmytro Kuleba ф - ' 21 мин
According to the Vienna Document, Russia needs to provide detailed explanation on the objectives, precise location and dates of completion of its military activities, as well as designation, subordination, number and types of formations, as well as types of equipment
Dmytro Kuleba ф ... • 22 мин
We have officially triggered the risk reduction mechanism in accordance with para. Ill of the Vienna Document, and requested Russia to provide detailed explanations on military activities in the areas adjacent to the territory of Ukraine and in the temporarily occupied