В США женщина выиграла в лотерею Powerball $560 миллионов, но отказалась указывать свои данные для получения выигрыша. Она хочет получить свой выигрыш анонимно, но правила игры этого не позволяют. Выигрыш пока заморожен. Идут судебные разбирательства, где женщина указала себя под псевдонимом Jane Doe.
Подлинный хикка. Даже за 560 лямов не хочет, чтобы о ней знали.
Скорее уж параноик. ОСОБЕННО с 560М$ не хочет, чтобы о ней знали :3
Хрен знает, что у неё за родственники, может и обоснованно не хочет.
Если ты параноик, это не значит что за тобой не следят.
я это постоянно проговариваю пока сижу за компом один в квартире.. ты следишь за мной?!
Недавно была инфа что мужика закопали на его же дворе после выигрыша куда меньшей суммы.
вывод, получил бабло, вали из страны.
Учитывая, что уже девять победителей убили ради их выйгрыша, то её можно понять.
войн-рептилойд из тайланда
За ничтожную сумму из выигрыша можно слетать в десяток разных стран, 10 раз сменить гражданство и имя, а потом вернуться, если уж так она беспокоится что её надут или что там...
Вот только выплата производится либо по частям в течение 30 лет, либо единоразово с учетом налога, который в некоторых штатах достигает 50-60%.
Ну 280 лямов вроде бы тоже не так плохо, да?
Похуже чем 560.
Но лучше чем нихуя
Ты хоть раз менял гражданство? Там канитель еще та.
Ну в теории для олигархов со связями это конечно не проблема, но тут история про обычную женщину.
Ну в теории для олигархов со связями это конечно не проблема, но тут история про обычную женщину.
А хули, щас набегут всякие Беггинсы и Боффины, Туки и Брендибэки, Груббы, Куббы, Барсукки, Дубельщики, Булджеры, Перестегинсы, Дебеллинги и Большеступы...)
Щас набегут толкинисты и начнут спорить о разных переводах
Технически фамилия "Бэггинс" и ей подобные - несет смысловую шутливую нагрузку, которую заложил автор в фамилии хоббитов, что отражает суть этого народца. Если ты англоязычен, то проблемы нет, для других языков просто теряется часть смысла произведения. Фамилии не переводятся, тут правы фанатики "точного перевода", но правы и те, кто переводит "Сумкинс" или тип того, тк это больше соответствует задумке автора.
Можно закончить тем, что сам Толкин сделал фамилии переводимыми, ибо хотел чтобы на любом языке они несли ту смысловую нагрузку, которую он и задумал.
Только "Торбинс", только хардкор! И да, у меня синдром утенка.
Если нет восможности адекватно перевести, тогда и вправду лучше не трогать, а в противном случае от всяких Керротов/Морковок лучше откаыватся в пользу Моркоу ;)
Барзини и Таталья...
А как же эти мерзкие родственники Бильбо которые купили дом у Фродо?
Беггинсы и Большеступы в одном предложении не комильфо. Либо переводить и то и другое, либо не переводить ничего.
Тут есть зеро правды.
типа компромисс между смысловым переводом и оригинальным звучанием
Ну я лично фьюжн никогда не любила. Я могу понять точки зрения и тех, кто за оригинальное звучание и тех, кто за перевод, но вот когда частично так, а частично эдак - на мой взгляд, это как штаны до колен натянуть. Вроде и в штанах, а задница голая.
Анон не заплатит с этого выигрыша налог, так что многое ей не светит.
Небольшой fun fact: Jane Doe / John Doe - англоязычное имя-плейсхолдер, ака Васи Пупкин или Иван Иванов
Скорее экземплификант. И фан факт скорее в том, что обычно так называют тела, которые не удается опознать.
Еще такой псевдоним у Sinner'a на Gelb....
а еще в фильме "Семь" был Джон До.
Ну значит все деньги получит Солдат из ТФ2.
Жить-то хочется
Ты соглашаешься участвовать в лотерее, зная, что в случае победы все о тебе будут трубить, что в этом смысл лотереи, таковы правила игры и ты, покупая билет, их принимаешь. Но неееееет, приходишь в чужой монастырь и выебываешься в судах.
Победителя буду караулить ебаные журналюги на каждом шагу, здравое желание остаться анонимом.
Хрен бы с журналюгами, не в них дело . Подобная сумма это практически смертный приговор, осталось только табличку носить "Я ТУТ И У МЕНЯ МИЛЛИОНЫ БАКСОВ" - выше уже писали о 9-ти погибших, а насколько я слышал, такие случаи там происходят регулярно . Жажда наживы много кому снесёт голову.
Журналюги хер с ними. А вот всякие бандиты, попрошайки, адвокаты, родственникии и прочее говно тебя заживо сожрут. Есть паста про это, правда на английском:
Congratulations! You just won millions of dollars in the lottery! That's great.
Now you're fucked.
No really.
You are.
You're fucked.
If you just want to skip the biographical tales of woe of some of the math-tax protagonists, skip on down to the next comment. To see what to do in the event you win the lottery.
You see, it's something of an open secret that winners of obnoxiously large jackpots tend to end up badly with alarming regularity. Not the $1 million dollar winners. But anyone in the nine-figure range is at high risk. Eight-figures? Pretty likely to be screwed. Seven-figures? Yep. Painful. Perhaps this is a consequence of the sample. The demographics of lottery players might be exactly the wrong people to win large sums of money. Or perhaps money is the root of all evil. Either way, you are going to have to be careful. Don't believe me? Consider this:
Large jackpot winners face double digit multiples of probability versus the general population to be the victim of:
Homicide (something like 20x more likely)
Drug overdose
Bankruptcy (how's that for irony?)
And triple digit multiples of probability versus the general population rate to be:
Convicted of drunk driving
The victim of Homicide (at the hands of a family member) 120x more likely in this case, ain't love grand?
A defendant in a civil lawsuit
A defendant in felony criminal proceedings
Believe it or not, your biggest enemy if you suddenly become possessed of large sums of money is... you. At least you will have the consolation of meeting your fate by your own hand. But if you can't manage it on your own, don't worry. There are any number of willing participants ready to help you start your vicious downward spiral for you. Mind you, many of these will be "friends," "friendly neighbors," or "family." Often, they won't even have evil intentions. But, as I'm sure you know, that makes little difference in the end. Most aren't evil. Most aren't malicious. Some are. None are good for you.
Jack Whittaker, a Johnny Cash attired, West Virginia native, is the poster boy for the dangers of a lump sum award. In 2002 Mr. Whittaker (55 years old at the time) won what was, also at the time, the largest single award jackpot in U.S. history. $315 million. At the time, he planned to live as if nothing had changed, or so he said. He was remarkably modest and decent before the jackpot, and his ship sure came in, right? Wrong.
Mr. Whittaker became the subject of a number of personal challenges, escalating into personal tragedies, complicated by a number of legal troubles.
Whittaker wasn't a typical lottery winner either. His net worth at the time of his winnings was in excess of $15 million, owing to his ownership of a successful contracting firm in West Virginia. His claim to want to live "as if nothing had changed" actually seemed plausible. He should have been well equipped for wealth. He was already quite wealthy, after all. By all accounts he was somewhat modest, low profile, generous and good natured. He should have coasted off into the sunset. Yeah. Not exactly.
Whittaker took the all-cash option, $170 million, instead of the annuity option, and took possession of $114 million in cash after $56 million in taxes. After that, things went south.
Whittaker quickly became the subject of a number of financial stalkers, who would lurk at his regular breakfast hideout and accost him with suggestions for how to spend his money. They were unemployed. No, an interview tomorrow morning wasn't good enough. They needed cash NOW. Perhaps they had a sure-fire business plan. Their daughter had cancer. A niece needed dialysis. Needless to say, Whittaker stopped going to his breakfast haunt. Eventually, they began ringing his doorbell. Sometimes in the early morning. Before long he was paying off-duty deputies to protect his family. He was accused of being heartless. Cold. Stingy.
Letters poured in. Children with cancer. Diabetes. MS. You name it. He hired three people to sort the mail. A detective to filter out the false claims and the con men (and women) was retained.
Brenda, the clerk who had sold Whittaker the ticket, was a victim of collateral damage. Whittaker had written her a check for $44,000 and bought her house, but she was by no means a millionaire. Rumors that the state routinely paid the clerk who had sold the ticket 10% of the jackpot winnings hounded her. She was followed home from work. Threatened. Assaulted.
Whittaker's car was twice broken into, by trusted acquaintances who watched him leave large amounts of cash in it. $500,000 and $200,000 were stolen in two separate instances. The thieves spiked Whittaker's drink with prescription drugs in the first instance. The second incident was the handiwork of his granddaughter's friends, who had been probing the girl for details on Whittaker's cash for weeks.
Even Whittaker's good-faith generosity was questioned. When he offered $10,000 to improve the city's water park so that it was more handicap accessible, locals complained that he spent more money at the strip club. (Amusingly this was true).
Whittaker invested quite a bit in his own businesses, tripled the number of people his businesses employed (making him one of the larger employers in the area) and eventually had given away $14 million to charity through a foundation he set up for the purpose. This is, of course, what you are "supposed" to do. Set up a foundation. Be careful about your charity giving. It made no difference in the end.
To top it all off, Whittaker had been accused of ruining a number of marriages. His money made other men look inferior, they said, wherever he went in the small West Virginia town he called home. Resentment grew quickly. And festered. Whittaker paid four settlements related to this sort of claim. Yes, you read that right. Four.
His family and their immediate circle were quickly the victims of odds-defying numbers of overdoses, emergency room visits and even fatalities. His granddaughter, the eighteen year old "Brandi" (who Whittaker had been giving a $2100.00 per week allowance) was found dead after having been missing for several weeks. Her death was, apparently, from a drug overdose, but Whittaker suspected foul play. Her body had been wrapped in a tarp and hidden behind a rusted-out van. Her seventeen year old boyfriend had expired three months earlier in Whittaker's vacation house, also from an overdose. Some of his friends had robbed the house after his overdose, stepping over his body to make their escape and then returning for more before stepping over his body again to leave. His parents sued for wrongful death claiming that Whittaker's loose purse strings contributed to their son's death. Amazingly, juries are prone to award damages in cases such as these. Whittaker settled. Again.
Even before the deaths, the local and state police had taken a special interest in Whittaker after his new-found fame. He was arrested for minor and less minor offenses many times after his winnings, despite having had a nearly spotless record before the award. Whittaker's high profile couldn't have helped him much in this regard.
In 18 months Whittaker had been cited for over 250 violations ranging from broken tail lights on every one of his five new cars, to improper display of renewal stickers. A lawsuit charging various police organizations with harassment went nowhere and Whittaker was hit with court costs instead.
Whittaker's wife filed for divorce, and in the process froze a number of his assets and the accounts of his operating companies. Caesars in Atlantic City sued him for $1.5 million to cover bounced checks, caused by the asset freeze.
Today Whittaker is badly in debt, and bankruptcy looms large in his future.
But, hey, that's just one example, right?
Nearly one third of multi-million dollar jackpot winners eventually declare bankruptcy. Some end up worse. To give you just a taste of the possibilities, consider the fates of:
Billie Bob Harrell, Jr.: $31 million. Texas, 1997. As of 1999: Committed suicide in the wake of incessant requests for money from friends and family. “Winning the lottery is the worst thing that ever happened to me.
William âBudâ Post: $16.2 million. Pennsylvania. 1988. In 1989: Brother hires a contract murderer to kill him and his sixth wife. Landlady sued for portion of the jackpot. Convicted of assault for firing a gun at a debt collector. Declared bankruptcy. Dead in 2006.
Evelyn Adams: $5.4 million (won TWICE 1985, 1986). As of 2001: Poor and living in a trailer gave away and gambled most of her fortune.
Suzanne Mullins: $4.2 million. Virginia. 1993. As of 2004: No assets left.
Shefik Tallmadge: $6.7 million. Arizona. 1988. As of 2005: Declared bankruptcy.
Thomas Strong: $3 million. Texas. 1993. As of 2006: Died in a shoot-out with police.
Victoria Zell: $11 million. 2001. Minnesota. As of 2006: Broke. Serving seven year sentence for vehicular manslaughter.
Karen Cohen: $1 million. Illinois. 1984. As of 2000: Filed for bankruptcy. As of 2006: Sentenced to 22 months for lying to federal bankruptcy court.
Jeffrey Dampier: $20 million. Illinois. 1996. As of 2006: Kidnapped and murdered by own sister-in-law.
Ed Gildein: $8.8 million. Texas. 1993. As of 2003: Dead. Wife saddled with his debts. As of 2005: Wife sued by her own daughter who claimed that she was taking money from a trust fund and squandering cash in Las Vegas.
Willie Hurt: $3.1 million. Michigan. 1989. As of 1991: Addicted to cocaine. Divorced. Broke. Indicted for murder.
Michael Klingebiel: $2 million. As of 1998 sued by own mother claiming he failed to share the jackpot with her.
Janite Lee: $18 million. 1993. Missouri. As of 2001: Filed for bankruptcy with $700 in assets.
Congratulations! You just won millions of dollars in the lottery! That's great.
Now you're fucked.
No really.
You are.
You're fucked.
If you just want to skip the biographical tales of woe of some of the math-tax protagonists, skip on down to the next comment. To see what to do in the event you win the lottery.
You see, it's something of an open secret that winners of obnoxiously large jackpots tend to end up badly with alarming regularity. Not the $1 million dollar winners. But anyone in the nine-figure range is at high risk. Eight-figures? Pretty likely to be screwed. Seven-figures? Yep. Painful. Perhaps this is a consequence of the sample. The demographics of lottery players might be exactly the wrong people to win large sums of money. Or perhaps money is the root of all evil. Either way, you are going to have to be careful. Don't believe me? Consider this:
Large jackpot winners face double digit multiples of probability versus the general population to be the victim of:
Homicide (something like 20x more likely)
Drug overdose
Bankruptcy (how's that for irony?)
And triple digit multiples of probability versus the general population rate to be:
Convicted of drunk driving
The victim of Homicide (at the hands of a family member) 120x more likely in this case, ain't love grand?
A defendant in a civil lawsuit
A defendant in felony criminal proceedings
Believe it or not, your biggest enemy if you suddenly become possessed of large sums of money is... you. At least you will have the consolation of meeting your fate by your own hand. But if you can't manage it on your own, don't worry. There are any number of willing participants ready to help you start your vicious downward spiral for you. Mind you, many of these will be "friends," "friendly neighbors," or "family." Often, they won't even have evil intentions. But, as I'm sure you know, that makes little difference in the end. Most aren't evil. Most aren't malicious. Some are. None are good for you.
Jack Whittaker, a Johnny Cash attired, West Virginia native, is the poster boy for the dangers of a lump sum award. In 2002 Mr. Whittaker (55 years old at the time) won what was, also at the time, the largest single award jackpot in U.S. history. $315 million. At the time, he planned to live as if nothing had changed, or so he said. He was remarkably modest and decent before the jackpot, and his ship sure came in, right? Wrong.
Mr. Whittaker became the subject of a number of personal challenges, escalating into personal tragedies, complicated by a number of legal troubles.
Whittaker wasn't a typical lottery winner either. His net worth at the time of his winnings was in excess of $15 million, owing to his ownership of a successful contracting firm in West Virginia. His claim to want to live "as if nothing had changed" actually seemed plausible. He should have been well equipped for wealth. He was already quite wealthy, after all. By all accounts he was somewhat modest, low profile, generous and good natured. He should have coasted off into the sunset. Yeah. Not exactly.
Whittaker took the all-cash option, $170 million, instead of the annuity option, and took possession of $114 million in cash after $56 million in taxes. After that, things went south.
Whittaker quickly became the subject of a number of financial stalkers, who would lurk at his regular breakfast hideout and accost him with suggestions for how to spend his money. They were unemployed. No, an interview tomorrow morning wasn't good enough. They needed cash NOW. Perhaps they had a sure-fire business plan. Their daughter had cancer. A niece needed dialysis. Needless to say, Whittaker stopped going to his breakfast haunt. Eventually, they began ringing his doorbell. Sometimes in the early morning. Before long he was paying off-duty deputies to protect his family. He was accused of being heartless. Cold. Stingy.
Letters poured in. Children with cancer. Diabetes. MS. You name it. He hired three people to sort the mail. A detective to filter out the false claims and the con men (and women) was retained.
Brenda, the clerk who had sold Whittaker the ticket, was a victim of collateral damage. Whittaker had written her a check for $44,000 and bought her house, but she was by no means a millionaire. Rumors that the state routinely paid the clerk who had sold the ticket 10% of the jackpot winnings hounded her. She was followed home from work. Threatened. Assaulted.
Whittaker's car was twice broken into, by trusted acquaintances who watched him leave large amounts of cash in it. $500,000 and $200,000 were stolen in two separate instances. The thieves spiked Whittaker's drink with prescription drugs in the first instance. The second incident was the handiwork of his granddaughter's friends, who had been probing the girl for details on Whittaker's cash for weeks.
Even Whittaker's good-faith generosity was questioned. When he offered $10,000 to improve the city's water park so that it was more handicap accessible, locals complained that he spent more money at the strip club. (Amusingly this was true).
Whittaker invested quite a bit in his own businesses, tripled the number of people his businesses employed (making him one of the larger employers in the area) and eventually had given away $14 million to charity through a foundation he set up for the purpose. This is, of course, what you are "supposed" to do. Set up a foundation. Be careful about your charity giving. It made no difference in the end.
To top it all off, Whittaker had been accused of ruining a number of marriages. His money made other men look inferior, they said, wherever he went in the small West Virginia town he called home. Resentment grew quickly. And festered. Whittaker paid four settlements related to this sort of claim. Yes, you read that right. Four.
His family and their immediate circle were quickly the victims of odds-defying numbers of overdoses, emergency room visits and even fatalities. His granddaughter, the eighteen year old "Brandi" (who Whittaker had been giving a $2100.00 per week allowance) was found dead after having been missing for several weeks. Her death was, apparently, from a drug overdose, but Whittaker suspected foul play. Her body had been wrapped in a tarp and hidden behind a rusted-out van. Her seventeen year old boyfriend had expired three months earlier in Whittaker's vacation house, also from an overdose. Some of his friends had robbed the house after his overdose, stepping over his body to make their escape and then returning for more before stepping over his body again to leave. His parents sued for wrongful death claiming that Whittaker's loose purse strings contributed to their son's death. Amazingly, juries are prone to award damages in cases such as these. Whittaker settled. Again.
Even before the deaths, the local and state police had taken a special interest in Whittaker after his new-found fame. He was arrested for minor and less minor offenses many times after his winnings, despite having had a nearly spotless record before the award. Whittaker's high profile couldn't have helped him much in this regard.
In 18 months Whittaker had been cited for over 250 violations ranging from broken tail lights on every one of his five new cars, to improper display of renewal stickers. A lawsuit charging various police organizations with harassment went nowhere and Whittaker was hit with court costs instead.
Whittaker's wife filed for divorce, and in the process froze a number of his assets and the accounts of his operating companies. Caesars in Atlantic City sued him for $1.5 million to cover bounced checks, caused by the asset freeze.
Today Whittaker is badly in debt, and bankruptcy looms large in his future.
But, hey, that's just one example, right?
Nearly one third of multi-million dollar jackpot winners eventually declare bankruptcy. Some end up worse. To give you just a taste of the possibilities, consider the fates of:
Billie Bob Harrell, Jr.: $31 million. Texas, 1997. As of 1999: Committed suicide in the wake of incessant requests for money from friends and family. “Winning the lottery is the worst thing that ever happened to me.
William âBudâ Post: $16.2 million. Pennsylvania. 1988. In 1989: Brother hires a contract murderer to kill him and his sixth wife. Landlady sued for portion of the jackpot. Convicted of assault for firing a gun at a debt collector. Declared bankruptcy. Dead in 2006.
Evelyn Adams: $5.4 million (won TWICE 1985, 1986). As of 2001: Poor and living in a trailer gave away and gambled most of her fortune.
Suzanne Mullins: $4.2 million. Virginia. 1993. As of 2004: No assets left.
Shefik Tallmadge: $6.7 million. Arizona. 1988. As of 2005: Declared bankruptcy.
Thomas Strong: $3 million. Texas. 1993. As of 2006: Died in a shoot-out with police.
Victoria Zell: $11 million. 2001. Minnesota. As of 2006: Broke. Serving seven year sentence for vehicular manslaughter.
Karen Cohen: $1 million. Illinois. 1984. As of 2000: Filed for bankruptcy. As of 2006: Sentenced to 22 months for lying to federal bankruptcy court.
Jeffrey Dampier: $20 million. Illinois. 1996. As of 2006: Kidnapped and murdered by own sister-in-law.
Ed Gildein: $8.8 million. Texas. 1993. As of 2003: Dead. Wife saddled with his debts. As of 2005: Wife sued by her own daughter who claimed that she was taking money from a trust fund and squandering cash in Las Vegas.
Willie Hurt: $3.1 million. Michigan. 1989. As of 1991: Addicted to cocaine. Divorced. Broke. Indicted for murder.
Michael Klingebiel: $2 million. As of 1998 sued by own mother claiming he failed to share the jackpot with her.
Janite Lee: $18 million. 1993. Missouri. As of 2001: Filed for bankruptcy with $700 in assets.
Ну хуй знает, я не фанат США, но я думал, что у них это цивилизованнее проходит.
Ебанутые есть везде.
Люди же
Две супердержавы в 80-ые пошли по пизде.
Ну как бы если она боится, что ее убьют или родственники заебут, то я ее понимаю. А вот если всем подряд будут анонимно выдавать выигрыш, то где гарантии что они вообще будут выданы. Ведь у организаторов лотереи появится возможность жульничать.
Я знаком в гермашке с чуваком, который в евромиллине выиграл штук 600 евро. Обычный немецкий инженер.
получил выигрыш и начался ебанный _А_Д_ . начиная от журналистов ( но те быстро отъебались ) и кончая всеми не близкими родственниками.
Сбежались и начали ебать мозг и пытаться доить чувака на бабло.
А уж в США найдется миллион баб/мужиков которых ты сексуально обидел и они хотят с тебя состричь бабло итд итп.
А если ты из большой и дружной черной семьи, то родня все это прокутит за пару лет....
получил выигрыш и начался ебанный _А_Д_ . начиная от журналистов ( но те быстро отъебались ) и кончая всеми не близкими родственниками.
Сбежались и начали ебать мозг и пытаться доить чувака на бабло.
А уж в США найдется миллион баб/мужиков которых ты сексуально обидел и они хотят с тебя состричь бабло итд итп.
А если ты из большой и дружной черной семьи, то родня все это прокутит за пару лет....
проблема совершенно непонятна
почему бы их нахуй всех просто не послать?
и как ты вообще это себе представляешь - приез0жает троюродный дядя и с порога просит миллиончик? откуда приехал - туда и уедет, а по пути ещё и нахуй сходит
странно это всё
почему бы их нахуй всех просто не послать?
и как ты вообще это себе представляешь - приез0жает троюродный дядя и с порога просит миллиончик? откуда приехал - туда и уедет, а по пути ещё и нахуй сходит
странно это всё
Посмотри фильм "Небраска" - там старикан повелся на липовые "Вы выиграли миллион", и поехал за выигрышем. Там по пути на него весь город взъелся, "тыжзанимал, дед, помнишь?", или "Ну мы же тебя кормили-поили совсем мелким, и пусть ты не помнишь, но ты чего - совсем не хочешь поделится"?
Приезжают, устраивают скандалы, говорят что типа должен и "МЫ СЕМЬЯ" итд итп.
Тяжело все это переносить.
Единственный кто нормально попросил бабла - его племяшка. Взял на учебу + после учебы начал выплачивать.
Тяжело все это переносить.
Единственный кто нормально попросил бабла - его племяшка. Взял на учебу + после учебы начал выплачивать.
С такими деньгами можно нанять мини-армию, которая будет тебя охранять лучше, чем президента. Боязнь навязчивых родственников? Слать всех лесом. Один раз стать в глазах родни мразью, дальше играть эту роль. Тем более, как бы ты себя не вел, для многих ты будешь просто богатым говнюком, так зачем пытаться изменить этот образ?
Проблема в том, что далеко не каждый человек хочет потерять возможность ходить по улице без свиты из телохранителей и сильно менять привычный образ жизни. В случае огласки личных данных придётся отказаться от всего этого в угоду своей безопасности.
Где-то видела инструкцию для тех, кто выиграл в лотерею, но сейчас уже нихрена не вспомню. Что-то такое сложное было, с помещением билета в сейф, найма адвоката без раскрытия ему информации до подписания договора и еще с массой всяких юридических заморочек.
что мешает уволиться с работы и уехать на год в кругосветку? ну или просто на другой континент потусить - пиндосам в гейропу, и наоборот
Да какую армию? Вот представь, что сидишь ты уютненько так в небольшой микрорайоной квартирке с мамой, гуглишь джойреактор и прочие прелести, разогревая доширак и пивас.
И вот тут тебе привозят выигрышные поллярда долларов.
Но ты такой конечно сразу кидаешься на телефон: "Чак, подгони бойцов, они пригодятся в завтрашней заварушке. Брюс, прибери мой домик в Могадише и подгони вертолет, мы вылетаем - я плачу за все веселье".
епта, скорей выиграют в лотерею те - кому ты позвонишь первым с подобной просьбой.
И вот тут тебе привозят выигрышные поллярда долларов.
Но ты такой конечно сразу кидаешься на телефон: "Чак, подгони бойцов, они пригодятся в завтрашней заварушке. Брюс, прибери мой домик в Могадише и подгони вертолет, мы вылетаем - я плачу за все веселье".
епта, скорей выиграют в лотерею те - кому ты позвонишь первым с подобной просьбой.
В большинстве стран мира правила лотереи одинаковы и требуют показывать имя победителя. Только в России, в "государственной" лотереи, всем похуй. Житель Сочи выйграл овер 300 лямов, или житель Казани выйграл 250 лямов и т.д.
Если уж она такая хикка, то сразу после получения выигрыша, она могла бы обратиться к юристу оформить его как доверенное лицо, которое представляет её и пусть на счет его компании выигрыш и поступает. А потом она будет к нему раз неделю ходить и получать котлету грина за процент.
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