Чарли Чу-Чу


Книга написанная женщиной, которой никогда не существовало.

На комик–коне в Сан–Диего мало кому известная писательница Берил Эванс подписывала всем желающим свою малюсенькую детскую книжку.
Через несколько часов эта книжка станет одной из самых дорогих, выпущенных в этом году — уже сейчас на Ebay немногочисленные экземпляры торгуются от 600 до 5000 долларов.
Все дело в том, что написана она была в 1942 году женщиной, которой никогда не существовало.
Берил Эванс — персонаж саги Стивена Кинга "Темная Башня". В одной из версий нашей реальности она сочинила сказку, которая сыграла не последнюю роль в одном из томов "Темной Башни" ("Пустоши", 1991): ее герой, паровозик Чарли, является ментальным эхом огромного разумного поезда Блейн Моно, пленниками которого суждено оказаться стрелку Роланду и его ка–тету. В нашем мире Эванс книжку написать не успела, потому что ее убил маньяк.
Думаю, не нужно объяснять, что на самом деле "Чарли Чу–Чу", 150 экземпляров которой подписала в пятницу актриса Эллисон Дэвис, сыгравшая роль Берил, в действительности сочинил сам Кинг (и даже получил личный экземпляр с автографом — как справедливо заметило издание Entertainmanet Weekly, не каждому писателю дано получить в дар книжку, подписанную собственным персонажем), и именно это тут же сделало ее дорогущим раритетом.
a w
Iffifcj;		г ЯяКагГ -
	/'	и г- , щ В,Стивен Кинг,тёмная башня,лепра,великий писатель,песочница,История,коммиккон,Чарли Чу-Чу

Её таки напечатали, пока только на английском

	г/л' C>>S#
	-г ^
| Charlie
f ---THE---
s Choo-Choo
Beryl Evans

hosed on original arm ork by Xca Dnmcwn,Стивен Кинг,тёмная башня,Чарли Чу-Чу,длиннопост
Bob Brooks uas an engineer for The Mir I-World Railway Company, on the St. Louis to Topeka run. Engineer Bob was the best trainman The \hd-World Railway Company ever had. and (Jiarlie was the best train!	*	’	л
Charlie was a 402 Big Bov Steam Locomotive, and Engineer Bob "as the onlv man who had
Engineer Bob had a special secret, lie was the only one who knew. Charlie the Choo-C.hoo was reallv. reallv alive.
One day while they were making the run between Topeka and St. I-ouis. Engineer Hob heard singing, very soft and low.
"W ho is in the cab with me?" Engineer Boh said sternly.
“Don't worry,” said a small, gru IT voice, ‘'ll is only I.”
“Who’s I?” Engineer Bob asked. Il<* spoke in his biggest, sternest voice, because he still thought someone was playing a joke on him.
“Charlie,” said the small, gruff voice.	,
“Hardy bar-liar!” said Engineer Bob. “Trains can't talk! I
“I told you,” said Charlie llic Choo-Choo.
-I low come I never knew you were alive before?" asked Engineer Bob. l.v d.dn I vou ever talk to me before?"	.
Then Charlie sang this song to Engineer Boh in lus small, gruff vo.ee.
“\\ ill \он talk lo me some more when we're making bur run? " asked Engineer Iktk N like that."
~l would, loo." said Charlie. “I love vou, Engineer Bob."
"I love you too, Charlie." said Engineer Bob, and then he blew the whistle himself.ju»11,1 show how happy he was. WHOOO-OOO! It was the biggest
м-inm гаш.иог-пимш-
.....	.	. n I .	worried voice,but Charlie only sang his song in
W liat is tins? hngincer Bob askc <i ю *»
his smallest, gruffest voice:
Mr. Briggs, the Roundhouse Manager, came over.
I hat is a Beautiful diesel locomotive,” said Engineer Bob, "but you will have to move it
out of Charlie's berth. Mr. Briggs. Charlie needs a lube job this verv afternoon.
"Charlie won't be needing any more lube jobs, Engineer Bob,” said Mr. Briggs
.... и 710 and го'«е! I will telegraph
‘Nonsense!’ Engineer Bob «as mad!	wi„ «кртрН ***”**£%
Raymond Martin, -ms,IP. I know him.	”r ^ ride. 1 И her pull the lany.ud.
and afterwards Charlie and 1 look his lit* j ‘ 14
а,ч1 Charlie whistled his loudest toi u 1	mself " ho ordered the new
Now the HONNNK! HONNNK! of the Burlington Zephyr was heard on to Topeka run, and Charlies blew no more.
the St.
ililwl'!!' t"1 n,|<< ,U S|<1<* *n l*le seal "here Engineer Bob once sal so proudlv, wat«*fo'n t°S"lc sPwl Pasl; family of swallows nested in his smokestack.
<),Стивен Кинг,тёмная башня
»lonelv and very sad. lie missed the steel Iraeks and blight blue sk.es and vv.de
os. Sometimes, late at night, he..... "I d.,- things and ened dark o.ly tears.
d his fine Straiha... I.eadiigl.t,.he didn't can, becausenow the Stratham
Was old, and ii was always dark.
W,Стивен Кинг,тёмная башня
Mr. Martin, the President of The Mid-World Railway Company, wrote and offered to put Engineer Bob in the peak-seat of the new Burlington Zephyr.
"It is a line loco, Engineer Bob." said Mr. Martin,“chock-full of zi|> and zowie, and >ou sbouMj be the one to pilot it! Of all the Engineers who work
. . l’ ihc rail vard, "here
W,......s,lalr at night. ISngi'.
CfcHie the Choo-Choo Stood on ihr Jheight «as rusts and dark, g borne. Weeds had twined in his s> * j(>ss and less.
lK'J" 1(1 Charlie.bu‘ ‘:har “	terrible idea ran»- in»»	„.plied:
■* nights he would not talk а. а1\°"в До bis smallest,
Mr. Martin, the President of Tin* \|; i u	.	J1
«1ич к on the operation. ||js .>|'	°! Railway Company, came to St. Louis to j I
',a,iglit'*r'vas giving her firs, mqno14 ? Г1<|<* ,h<‘ Burlington Zephyr to Topeka, whoa' h* star,. There was water in Z !ilZ	afternoon. On,у the Zeplnr «ouMn« |
il\ |и* по longer looked like
N*»*one lugged Mr. Martin's arm. It was NN ,IM‘I 1' ®and put on a clean pair -«"id..He had .aken off his
0fWm"S- °" his ,‘"a<l WaS Mis 0l<1 P,"°	. , -Char)ie «ill make the run u>
ladies is right over there, on that siding,” he sank ■ daughter', piano rental. Via. МГ
-Thai „Id steamer?" scoffed Mr. Itriggs. "<'.bai lie would slill be lil'lv miles out of lo|H.ka J
at sundown!’’	, ,ani | |ia\e l*ecn
‘Charlie rail do it. Kngincer Hoi» insisU*<l. "\\ itliont a train lo pull. I know tc <«
cleaning his engine and Ins lioilrr in my spare* lime, you see.	. r
atoll the
into their >апь
, iiark! Hurrah! cl. he blew his
UlmerSt. Louis the eliiKiro........
rusty old steam loco pass.
’Look!" they cried."Its Charlie! * "avcd.and as Charlie stcarn('<l 01 just as he had in the old days: W
(li»ict\.clack went Charlie's wh k' Bnimp-hrump went the c ^dkalmut
“lloptedoodle!" cried Mr. Martin, waving liis hat in the air. “This is some locomotive, Bob! I don't know win we ever retired it! How do you k<?ep the coal-conveyor loaded at this speed?"
Kngineer Bob onl\ smiled, because be knew C'.harlic was feeding himself. \nd. beneath clicked-clack and
(-!»arliegot Mr. Martin to his daughters piano '.ч‘(',,а1 /V' n'i**;..rl!i.. ofYour*-^n„al, was just tickled pink to see her old Inem • •	*	, oU, of ,,10
«И wen, back to St. Louis together with Susannah tank. g ^in-whistle the whole wav.
18,Стивен Кинг,тёмная башня,Чарли Чу-Чу,длиннопост
Mr. Martin got Charlie ami Engineer Bob a gig pulling kids around the brand-new Mid-World \miisemcnt Park and Fun Fair in California, and you will find them there to this dav. pulling laughing children hither and thither in that world of lights an
music and good, w holcsomc fun.
Engineer Bob's

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