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Give her a Hoover and you
the best
(and forever after)
; 11 I I §
J 'sy/ y.
P.S. to hatbands:
She cAtcs .ih«»hi her him»«, iou know, so if you rc.illy c.irc .iboul her . . . wouldn't ii he kwh* lo consider a Hoover for Chrifttmai? Price» sl»r< .H $66.95. Model 29 (kIiowii
Hit her with tangy Tipalet Cherry. Or rich, grape-y Tipalet Burgundy. Or luscious Tipalet Blueberry. It's Wild!
Tipalet. It's new. Different. Delicious in taste and in aroma.
A puff in her direction and she'll follow you, anywhere.
Oh yes... you get smoking satisfaction without inhaling smoke.
If your husband ever finds out
.Chase £ .Sanborn
you’re not “store-testing' for fresher coffee...
... if he discovers you’re still taking chances on gel ting flat, stale coffee ... woe be unto you!
For today there’s a sure and certain way to test for freshness before you
Easily—without a knife blade, a bottle opener, or even a husband! All it takes is a dainty grasp, an easy, two-finger twist—and the catsup is ready to pour.
We call this safe-sealing bottle cap the Alcoa HyTop. It is made of pure, food-loving Alcoa Aluminum. It spins off—and back on again— without
Shoo illustrated sells for about $35.00—For namo of your noarost dealer, writo: Woyonborg Shoo Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wise. 53201.,сексизм,плакаты,реклама,рекламные фото приколы