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Постов: 2
Комментов: 7
C нами с: 2011-06-25
О себе: дяка пляшет

Посты пользователя Вольфич

You want us to cook anything special for Easter supper?
i will eat any damn thing
but your mom and i have not stopped talking about your dick since we had it at Christmas
r. so juicy
\Juicy Easter dick. Got it.
Wow. I'm afraid to ask what you want for dessert.
Messages (1) JaCOb
Do we have any stain remover or anything
What do you mean? What happened.
I shook my cock too hard and it exploded all over my clothes and floor.
I'm at work Jake. This isn't funny. Call your dad.
Holy crap. I mean Coke. It exploded when I opened it. Do we have