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Jeff Burgess (ft. Starbreeis) - Hey Foal Sitter

★ lyrics ★

Hey hey hey

The ketchup stains
On your sweatshirt that would stop the rain
I didn't quite have to ask you
And so I wore a mask to hide my blush

Your sweet smile gleamed
Luna noticed you in the next dream I dreamed
My somepony was decided
But I knew I had to hide it
You'd mock my crush

Hey foal sitter
Saw your heart it glitters
On your cutie mark
'Caused a spark
Within my heart
I do remark

Hey foal sitter
I don't wanna flitter
But I'm so afraid to try tonight

Hey hey hey

The big school dance
I'm so glad that you would give me a first chance
I felt our love was blooming
But I am so assuming
I'm losing my mind I I I I

I'm so obsessed
Your mane is perfect and your suit is primmed and pressed
I wanna dance with you, I'm a mare and you're a stallion
And I'm sending out batallions
to make you mine

Hey foal sitter
Saw your heart it glitters
On your cutie mark
'Caused a spark
Within my heart
I do remark

Hey foal sitter
I don't wanna flitter
But I'm so afraid to try tonight

Hey Cadance I'm afraid
Can I tell you the feelings that I've made?
So nervous, I can't talk
Does she see my hooves shake when we walk?

You see I can tell my feelings finally
As the dance lets out, it's you and me

Under the moonlit sky when you kissed me

Hey foal sitter
Saw your heart it glitters
On your cutie mark
'Caused a spark
Within my heart
I do remark

Hey foal sitter
I don't wanna flitter
But I'm so afraid to try tonight

Hey Hey Hey

,Гарольд,Hide The Pain Harold,Hide The Pain Harold

«Подземелья и драконы» удаляют полукровок из справочника игрока, утверждая, что вся идея «по своей сути расистская»

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A Spencer Baculi O April 4, 2023 O Tabletop Games & RPGs,Dungeons & Dragons,Подземелья и Драконы, D&D, dnd, днд,расизм,ебанутым нет покоя,Wizards of the Coast,Игры

Отличный комментарий!

Так это разве не наоборот расизм? Выходит они утверждают, что представители разных рас не могут полюбить друг друга и завести ребёнка? Так что ли?
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