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«Встаньте за мной! Мой кулак защитит вас от разрушительного света!»
"Everyone, behind me! My fist will protect you from the light of destruction!"
Он не может видеть.
Не так, как мы видим.
Синий Ра Фалу, святой, благословленный безглазыми тенями.
Он видит только то, к чему прикасается глазами.
He cannot see.
He cannot see like we see.
Ra Falu the Blue, the saint blessed by the eyeless shadows.
He can only see what he touched with his eyes.
Однорукий лучник. В жизни не видал большей бессмыслицы. А знание того, что где-то существует жена, которая никогда не отходит от своего мужа, делает это ещё более бессмысленным.
An one-armed archer. I've never seen such nonsense before. Yes, it's greater nonsense when you know that there's a wife that never leaves her husband.

Отличный комментарий!

> но тебе ж никто про это не пишет
Ты написал
Колония белокрылых скворцов вгрызается в голову человека и гнездится на её месте.
«Не убоись» — не совсем правильный способ сосуществования с ними.
Они опасны, не позволяйте их великолепной внешности вас обмануть.
The pale starlings colony eats into the human head and nests in that place.
'Fear not' is not really an appropriate way to cope with them.
They are dangerous, don't let their magnificent appearance fool you.
Есть в магии одна хорошая особенность:
Неважно, как работает мир,
Или какие у вселенной законы,
Меня это ебать не обязано.
One good thing about magic is,
That no matter how the world exists,
Or what the laws of the universe are,
I don't have to fxxking care.

The Great Flea

Erika the Dual Blades was enthusiastic in every business.
Он не просто доспех.
Он мой товарищ и друг.
Я зову его Веллингтон Хвастливый.
В честь пустозвона.

Кто-то может спросить,
Кем нужно быть, чтобы использовать своего друга как щит?
Но мне нечего стыдиться в этом плане.
К обычным друзьям я отношусь точно так же.
"That is not a chain mail."

No More Seal

You are strong.
You are hideous.
I will abandon the vow of square.
I will abandon the will of sealing.
You will be the first monster that I beat to death.
Even after the end of humanity, there was still work for cranes to do.
In the study of 14th century arcane aesthetics, we can find several artistic movements out of the mainstream.One of them was known as the Witch and Crafts Movement, including the broomstick modification fever.
The Lady of the Underworld was kind enough to allow the traveler to bring his love back, and thoughtful enough to warn him to never look back until he arrives at the land of the livings.However her memory wasn't good enough to tell him about the unliving rats nibbling soul away.
'The most fearsome of all 108 Relics, 
The sword that destroys destiny, 
The Child to End All Wars. 
But the Child is chained up. 
The sheath of riddles. 
Read, operate the device, and free the sword. 
No power can unbind the seal. 
Only wisdom will make him free.'
'Krampus the Red Thief wore the armor he found from the dampest battlefield,wielded the sword he took from the darkest dwarf-delving,and plundered the castle of lords and shack of farmers through the chimney.'
Caitlyn Chambers, the outer who had levitation, flight, acceleration flight powers.In the hero debut performance, she attempted hypersonic flight for the first time.
Let me introduce the new product of Burning Dew Workshop. 
The authority of wizards and gods.
It will be given to you too!
If you cut one of your arms off!
Replace the runestones, and experience the various types of magic and the pleasure of slaughter!
You foolish child, the lazy one.
Magic is not about efficiency.
Magic is art.
The form you have achieved itself is a new path,but there's no philosophy nor introspection in it, only expediency.If you merely rely on that, the magic will punish you someday.
There was something to learn from what we called white barbarians.Their obsession over ideals. The philosophy of realism. The perfect shape.
They had their own sense of beauty.Their sorcery had their own style of art.And I will combine theirs with ours.
Don't get me wrong.
This is not the scar of my weaknessnor the trace of self-hatred.
This is the bowstring made of blood sacrifice,and the arrow annihilating the enemy in front of me.
The Order of White Shell has sworn to dedicate their life to the Queen of the Pale Hill.
Sky is not allowed for us.
But our wings have become the swords, purer than any dews in the dawn, to slay the enemies of the Queen.
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