Elmo is the only one who stands horrified as the group watches Elmo's sister shove several softballs up her ass.,улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
,улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
'So what if they're kids, Bert? If God didn't want them to die tonight, he wouldn't have put them in front of you with that bat in your hand.",улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
Ten minutes into the campus activist's lecture about the "gender spectrum", Murray is slowly beginning to realize why the Church used to burn witches.,улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
Ernie couldn’t be more excited lor his first day as a police officer. He outright refused to accept his paycheck, insisting that being able to legally shoot black children is payment enough.,улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
Elmo had always heard stories about the punishment for trying to escape the workshop but had never witnessed it first hand and is now finding it difficult to hide his arousal. As the fourth reindeer mounted the tiny elf Santa whispered _________to Elmo, “they’re usually dead by now”.___,улица сезам
After being told he should love Mother Earth, Ernie fucks a rabbit hole. The experience was even more pleasurable because the rabbit thought it was being given a carrot.,улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
Bert lets the Pakistani girl finish her laundry before launching the air strike on her house,улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
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His ultimate giantess fetish fantasy fulfilled, Kermit knows what comes next. With some trepidation, he takes a deep breath and prepares to be engulfed.,улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
Elmo and his friends cheer as they watch the second tower crash to the ground,улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
"I know it's going to be funny as Hell, but you can't laugh when they open the casket and see their son is missing. They'll know it was us.",улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
After hacking into the hospital's database, Ernie contacts the parents of terminally ill children to share the news that their child's cancer has gone into spontaneous remission. He then waits for the day of the funeral to call back and ask how the recovery is going.,улица сезам,много картинок
"Come on Bert, pull my finger!"
Bert yanked on Ernie's finger as hard as he could.
A horrible grumbling noise was heard from Ernie's belly just before he blew a hole in his pants and sprayed ass gravy all over the wall behind him. It sounded like a combination of an elephant trumpet and someone
Elmo is happily suprised that the local refugee girl only costs 5 Lira. Elmo wished the war in Syria would never end.,улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
"I didn't get the loan."
"You really went down there? Ernie, the bank wasn't going to give you money to open a World War 2 themed amusement park. Especially with a ride called the 'Holocoaster'.",улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
Bertar is placed into caveman prison when he failed to pay the long-nose tribesman enough shiny rocks for debt. It was only then did Bertar begin to understand why Adar Hitrock did the Holobunga.,улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
Kermit was supposed to teach the kids the alphabet, but he quickly began ranting about crime statistics after hitting a certain letter.,улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
Bert wonders whether his cane is up to the task,улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
"Sorry kid, I know you're upset but us Elmericans gotta head back home. This is all Tellyban country now. They'll look after you. Don't worry.",улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
Elmo testifies about his years at Sesame Street where he was passed around and fisted by cast members,улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
Everyone is already lining up when The Count drops his soap.,улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода
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"It wasn't the fact we were killing children that disturbed me. We were at war, after all, It's the erection I got from doing it.",улица сезам,много картинок,длинопост,черный юмор,английский язык,без перевода