От анона автору:
Well shit, after that big ask post you just made, I now kinda want to ship RT!chara and RRT!frisk.
У<лг М? \Ai'A U 4**^ parWr*!
If о*l,j	weMa looser, *f л\й+и.. •
\f ortVj vy>w'd bt, cV>i\l
a VfoW.,Undertale,фэндомы,Frisk,Undertale персонажи,Chara,Charisk,UT shipping,Undertale шиппинг, UT шиппинг, Undertale shipping,Reapertale,Undertale AU,reverse!reapertale

Chara: To be honest, you might be more edgy than I am.

Frisk: Now I know you’re lying, edgelord.

Chara: Me, edgelord? Have you seen the people in Underfell?

Frisk: … No.

Chara: Ah yes, the self-afflicted blindness. Not edgy at all.

Автор - http://renrink.tumblr.com/