Seer of Light
ATK: 48 DEF. 82 MAG: 96 M-DEF. 88 SPD: 83 ACC: 79
Foreshadow: Active cards avoid all damage next turn Scripture: Attacks enemy unit for 120 damage Twilight: When paired with Sylph of Space, both cards deal double damage HeaL Card regains 300 HP
Summon: Allows user to draw 1
Grimdark Seer
ATK: 99 DEF, 21 MAG: 99 M-DEF: 42 SPD, 93 ACC 87
Reaper: Destroys enemy unit; recovery time: 3 turns Fissure: Negates all magic cards on the playing field Dusk: Poisons enemy unit for 50 damage per turn Rage. Increases defense by 15 Spellbound: Cards with magic over 80 have