Ourfng World War 2. TV» Pain" bocaroo part of tho Cobra Unit, a socrot spood forcos unit ■< cornprtsod oI cito. super- human soWors.
Tho Pain possossod tho ab&ty to control and woapoofeo tango swarms of fxxrvots at wa.
This urtquo ab&ty loft ISs faoo disfigured and
“The Fear”
During World War 2. Tho Pftn' bocomo port ot tho Cobra Unit, o socrot spocio) forces unit comprised of o*to. sopor-human solders.
Ho codonomo corrvo from tho omotion ho convoyed whlo on tho bottlofiold: tho torror that ho frwtlod in othora with his frookfch oppooranoo ond movo-monls