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Chris Avellone
Since someone suggested why the fuck not: Dear @elonmusk please buy the Fallout franchise and I will work on it for free even if it means walking on the surface of Mars and taking off my helmet
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2:51 AM • 1 сент. 2021 г. • Twitter Web App
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Pranay Pathole @PPathole • 23 aBr.
Why going to Mars and making life multi-planetary is important:
1.	To learn about the nature of life and consciousness.
2.	To organize society by setting challenging and inspirational goals.
3.	To do something that future societies will consider significant.
CA Earl of FrunkPuppy A @28delayslater • 23 авг.
Should we be nervous that you are building rockets, an army of robots, and say English will end?
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В ответ @28delayslater @PPathole и @SpaceX
It’s basically the plot of Fallout: New Vegas