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£1) t'	--1	VMpe	
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N>-4/1 (h^nUmb hurl vast nunbeл of l)mn Scythes at their enemies, gladly expending these deadly attack crap hi order to utterly terrorise (end Matter their enemy's strength on the ground. As they sweep overhead,
(dutihg through ammtrt skies i.omrs the Oppressor ftigftl, waving between flifffitt of Nwon mvanon craft /irui hammering vMyi of mem /Me. Ignoring leurt Ш/grU they unaf/tr force elept//pnmtt and (omrnmkatloni signals, fuafurinting command aunt* тыепк point i in the tnemy toir.

P.S. Внимание, вопрос: где мой антифлай?