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Packmaster's nest

"Place where that elf kidnaper comes from."
 "Elf office lady using her body to get a raise."


"Everybody hates.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, so Ill have some social duties to attend to, however Ill still try to have at least one more update later this week, and JL might have something for you aswell later in the week.
Also its blackfriday soon, so Sharkrobot put up all of my posters from this year for sale again, and you can use the code BLACKFRIDAY18 to get a discount on your order.
Have a nice Thanksgiving and spend some time with your friends and or family."

Коротко о ситуации: до шеда доебались , обвинив его в педофилии, расизме, нацизме, убийствах, изнасилованиях, назвали его психопатом и заставили извиняться за оскорбление чувств НАРИСОВАННЫХ СУКА персонажей
Shadman “ @Shadbase -8 m.	v
Sorry to state the obvious for those who already know me, but some people legit think cartoon characters need to have human rights. And believe I am a psychopath for drawing them in harms way.
Q 172 O, 389 C? 4,3 тыс.
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Shadman @Shadbase -8 m.	v

,Mad Max,Безумный Макс,Фильмы,Оскар,Academy Awards
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