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Love blooms underneath the cherry blossom
Stay tune for the next episode of “A toast to you”
Немного фанарта по аск-блогу Little Beam.
Tip of the day: The adepts of Mars and the Astartes of the Iron Hooves get along really well.
you found him yay…

Perhaps I had made a mistake of hiring an Eversor as an actor for this program as he just brutally murdered the entire audience… oh well, no use of letting these servitor-convertible bodies go to waste!
Итак, появился новый аск-блог по понихаммеру, ask-littlebeam. Пока что там почти ничего нет, но выглядит интересно.
“Evening equestrian citizens! My name is Little beam. I am Enginseer and a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus. I voyage through space as the repair mare of gears and parts of all sorts. If you have request for service or have question a question for me, drop your inquiry into the so called ask box.”
assassinpony1234 said:
So little beam do you mostly repair mechanical stuff like engines machines guns tanks and other stuff? Or do you sometimes repair electrical appliances
Greetings venerable enginseer. Will you share a little more about yourself with us? Where amongst the many vast sectors of
Quote of the day:

“Remember citizens to BEE-lieve in yourselves!”
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