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Amaterasu finally caught Ida despite his stupid traps. So here they are, both pretty exhausted after their race...


Amaterasu and the (unnamed) Watcher gazing upon the whirlpool galaxy at Ryoshima Coast, unraveling the path to the Dragon Palace...


The animal lover and his precious bunny rabbit, Inaba.


...The eight headed serpent, Orochi, resided in the Moon Cave. He cast a spell to make a cursed barrier at the entrance, so none but the annual human sacrafices could enter. However, during the events of Okami, Waka manages to break the barrier using the serpent crystals...


...Amaterasu playing chicken with Moegami, the rooster god of fire. Stealing his pipe, and not intending to give it back any time soon...


...Mrs. Orange on her way with some delicious cherry cakes, being bamboozled by a hungry Amaterasu and Hayabusa...


...A definition of the word tranquil can be "free from agitation of mind or spirit". I think the good-hearted buddhist monk Komuso fits this description. Another definition of tranquil is "free from disturbance or turmoil". That may however not fit too well with this character, considering he is bothered by demons and imps whenever Amaterasu encounters him. However Komuso never lets the forces of evil stop him from playing his flute. Hence tranquil by third definition also can mean "unvarying in aspect", and "steady" or "stable"...


...Amaterasu roasting a green imp using the inferno brush stroke...


by bossturp
(Да, это не Traditional art, но автор решил использовать темы Инктобера для фанарта по Оками)
Аннотация от автора:
...So I drew this, inspired by the part in Tsuta ruins, where you make a water lily, but to Ammy and Issuns horror, it just evaporates in the poisonous water...
Автор - GeistVIRUS
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