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Пилот сажает 394-тонный A380 авиакомпании Etihad при сильном боковом ветре во время урагана "Дэннис", аэропорт Хитроу, Лондон

Экипаж развернул самолет носом в сторону урагана и боком к ВПП...

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Отличный комментарий!

,посадка,вертолет,гиф анимация,гифки - ПРИКОЛЬНЫЕ gif анимашки

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"Мастер!" "Герой!" "The Russki #Sully!" "Moladets!" "Столкновение с птицами может кончиться ужасно, как же я рад, что никто не пострадал..." "Прекрасная посадка" "Спасибо!" "#DamirYusupov - герой!" "Ещё одно Чудо на Гудзоне?? Чудо!" "Вау, они могли просто остаться на том поле..." "Спасибо"


"Hero" Pilot #DamirYusupov Lands Plane In Corn Field, Praised For Saving 233 Lives The Airbus 321, made an emergency landing near #Zhukovsky International Airport, south-east of #Moscow. "having masterfully landed a plane without its landing gear
04:06 - 15 aer.
Rajeev Sharma
#uralairlines pilot saves 233 lives by miraculously landing bird-hit plane on a corn field, an incident which would have otherwise meant sure death of all on board but ends up with injuries to just 23. Kudos to the pilot #DamirYusupov. All's well that ends well!
03:03 -
James Van Fleet
@JamesVan Fleet
Whoah...another #SuIly out there somewhere?

JACDEC @JacdecNew
Ural Airlines A321 (VQ-BOZ) made an off-airport emergency landing in a cornfield after both engines ingested birds shortly after take-off at Moscow-Zhukovsky Airport (UUBW), Russia. There are
Mohammed Al Muqbel
Ever seen a crash landing with wing view? Thankful no one is hurt.
#SuIly #BirdStrike #Crash #Landing #Ural

Breaking Aviation News @breakingavnews
Passenger video captures moment a Ural Airlines A321 makes emergency landing in a corn field following a
Manmohan Bahadur

Talking of miracles - miracle on River Hudson #Sully ? Here is another one! Both engines of Airbus 321 quit due bird hits - crew lands safely in corn field. No deaths! MIRACULOUS and Great work by the pilot! See thread, incl crash landing video.
a Aggrey Maganga	( hh™. )
@AgGwassi	V____ y
Mirror's #Sully's #HudsonRiverLanding, no? Only this time it's #CornFieldLandning... maybe we'll see anew movie... Hero pilots here.... #video_proof seen
Bird strikes can get real ugly...happy to read all passengers & crew
#Sully,жесткая посадка,А321,твиттер,интернет,комменты,пилоты,длиннопост,посадка

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