Что такое разрушитель вечности? Заточка Сетры?
Нет, самое крутое оружие в кузне "Культуре Успопших" в TWW
Плюс в настолке и бэке тоже фигурирует:
"The bloodthirsty King Nekhesh first wielded this massive, ornate blade in battle, smashing his foes in all directions and severing limbs and heads with each sweeping blow. The blade destroys the very souls of those it slays, leaving them with no chance of reaching the afterlife. It was thus greatly feared in ancient Nehekhara, where to be killed with it was deemed a fate infinitely worse than death. The sword was also used to ritually execute captured foes of the King. Due to the power imbued through magical incantations, it can cleave through armor, muscle, and bone with ease. This weapon is only used by Tomb Kings on foot."
"The bloodthirsty King Nekhesh first wielded this massive, ornate blade in battle, smashing his foes in all directions and severing limbs and heads with each sweeping blow. The blade destroys the very souls of those it slays, leaving them with no chance of reaching the afterlife. It was thus greatly feared in ancient Nehekhara, where to be killed with it was deemed a fate infinitely worse than death. The sword was also used to ritually execute captured foes of the King. Due to the power imbued through magical incantations, it can cleave through armor, muscle, and bone with ease. This weapon is only used by Tomb Kings on foot."
А че в нем прям такого ? Бонусы конечно вкусные, но не сказать что прям имба.
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