И все эти ордена как один соснут в честной схватке у обыного Бретонского бедного рыцаря в поиске, с треснутым щитом. На что только казна уходит ?!
На коллекцию шляп Франца, на что же еще
Ну а как же ехать to the provinces без шляпы?! Сначала ты без шляпы а потом summon the elector counts не сработает!
"The so-called ‘knights’ of your Empire are barely worthy of the name. It takes more than a lance and steed to make a knight – do we call the pig-riders of the greenskins knights when they ride to battle? No. Knighthood is more than the art of fighting from horseback. It is a way of life, a code of behaviour, and a daily quest for virtue… It is chivalry, something I fear the cavalrymen of the Empire will never understand."
—Sir Guy du Bastonne, Knight of Bretonnia.
"I am eager to discuss knightly virtue further with Sir Guy or any other Bretonnian who cares to call mine into question. My lance and I will shortly put the matter to rest."
—Sir Theodoric von Ritterstein, Knight Panther.
—Sir Guy du Bastonne, Knight of Bretonnia.
"I am eager to discuss knightly virtue further with Sir Guy or any other Bretonnian who cares to call mine into question. My lance and I will shortly put the matter to rest."
—Sir Theodoric von Ritterstein, Knight Panther.
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