Когда количество подписчиков на странице Дарьи достигло 666 тысяч, она наняла 48 художников и вместе они нарисовали данный клип. Много аниме моментов.
Данным клипом она завершает вампирскую серию.
Целая эпоха прошла леди и джентельмены.
Мдя, по мне, так это худшая часть.
стремноватых художников она позвала
Под видео на ютубе
"IT'S HEEERE! And it's EVIL! My very first 'Multiple Animators Project' to be hosted by me: and I couldn't be happier with the way it looks!
btw: no, this isn't cannoned to the rest of the series (that's why it won't be on the episodes' playlist and that's why Duke has both his thumbs lol): it's just a fun stand alone project me and all those amazing people pulled off for you all to enjoy! Everyone did an amazing job with their parts so go support all of them wonderfully talented darlings who took a part in it- Links below: "
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"IT'S HEEERE! And it's EVIL! My very first 'Multiple Animators Project' to be hosted by me: and I couldn't be happier with the way it looks!
btw: no, this isn't cannoned to the rest of the series (that's why it won't be on the episodes' playlist and that's why Duke has both his thumbs lol): it's just a fun stand alone project me and all those amazing people pulled off for you all to enjoy! Everyone did an amazing job with their parts so go support all of them wonderfully talented darlings who took a part in it- Links below: "
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