февраль-январь 2015 г., дебальевский котёл для укро-карателей.

00:10-04:51 Novorossian rebels in the firefight at the Donetsk airport
04:51-07:04 Tank battle with the support of Ukrainian infantry. January 18,2015
07:04-08:05 Novorossian rebels fire a self-propelled artillery near Debaltsevo
08:05-12:27 Novorossian rebels of the Spartra Brigade in heavy

00:10-05:09 Novorossian rebels during Battle of Debaltseve. Fight for Chornukhyne. February 7, 2015
05:09-05:49 Sniper convoy crossfire - RT reporters in E. Ukraine 05:49-08:12 Novorossian rebels fighting in the industrial area of Debaltseve 08:12-08:43 Ukrainian troops are shelling Lugansk