Раздача плюшек для World of Ships от Humble

Раздача бесплатных плюшек для корабликов ( релевантно еще 2 дня )

Для новичков:
Humble Bundle Flag
10x Humble Bundle Camouflage
US. Cruiser St. Louis - Tier 3 Standard Ship
200 doubloons (premium currency)
Port Slot
3 Days of Premium Account

Для старых игроков ( Не любит нас WG раз так пытается вернуть)
Humble Bundle Flag
10x Humble Bundle Camouflage

Note: Camo and flag options are available at levels 11 and 14 respectively; existing players will receive flag only. Please note that if you redeem your content for this game, Humble Bundle may receive a commission or fee. Promotion not available for customers in China.

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