"Суко" на каске... это звучит.
Суко, ебучий тиранид, ты меня сожрать вздумал, а ну иди сюда я сам тебя суко сожру, ублюдок, биомусор, мать твою, таракан чертов!
А еще эти глаза на касках
Syko - это написанное с ошибками слово "псих", "ёбнутый" - psycho.
Да эти парни безбашеннее орков. На хуй их выпилили? Хотя бы сделали обоснованный, расписанный эпический уход (выпил с привозмоганием) этой расы, в какой нибудь книге или комиксе, а не просто сказали в интервью: "Мол эта фракция-шутка, их сожрали тираниды." Как то GW поступили по пидорски по отношению к фанатам. Может я ошибаюсь, и эти книги есть, подскажите.
Зато их в качестве наемников добавили!
Они не выпилены, только редкие очень
Ratlings (Homo sapiens minimus), Squats
(Homo sapiens rotundus), Beastmen
(Homo sapiens variatus), Troths (Homo
sapiens verdantus), Longshanks (Homo
sapiens elongatus), Pelagers (Homo sapiens
oceanus), Felinids (Homo sapiens hirsutus)
and Neandors (Homo sapiens hyannothus)
comprise the remaining classified, and
officially recognised, abhuman races.
Of these, Beastmen are subject to severe
persecution and have been placed on the
Register of Proscribed Citizens (Class
A-G worlds) by the Adeptus Arbites. This
effectively precludes them from settlement
on, or transportation to or from, more
than three hundred thousand worlds of the
Imperium and forbids their conscription as
an Imperial Tithe obligation. All of this is a
sure sign that they will soon lose abhuman
status completely and be reclassified as true
mutants. Troths, Felinids and Neandors are
endemic, and restricted to the worlds of
Verdant, Carlos McConnell and Hyannoth
IV respectively. The remaining abhuman
races are variously present across the
entire Imperium. In some regions they
are plentiful and common, living in
large colonies or even populating entire
worlds, while in others they are scarce and
virtually unknown.
Ratlings (Homo sapiens minimus), Squats
(Homo sapiens rotundus), Beastmen
(Homo sapiens variatus), Troths (Homo
sapiens verdantus), Longshanks (Homo
sapiens elongatus), Pelagers (Homo sapiens
oceanus), Felinids (Homo sapiens hirsutus)
and Neandors (Homo sapiens hyannothus)
comprise the remaining classified, and
officially recognised, abhuman races.
Of these, Beastmen are subject to severe
persecution and have been placed on the
Register of Proscribed Citizens (Class
A-G worlds) by the Adeptus Arbites. This
effectively precludes them from settlement
on, or transportation to or from, more
than three hundred thousand worlds of the
Imperium and forbids their conscription as
an Imperial Tithe obligation. All of this is a
sure sign that they will soon lose abhuman
status completely and be reclassified as true
mutants. Troths, Felinids and Neandors are
endemic, and restricted to the worlds of
Verdant, Carlos McConnell and Hyannoth
IV respectively. The remaining abhuman
races are variously present across the
entire Imperium. In some regions they
are plentiful and common, living in
large colonies or even populating entire
worlds, while in others they are scarce and
virtually unknown.
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