Тем временем, совершенно внезапно, в предзаказ поступил кодекc кустодес. Ждем аналогичный для Сестер Безмолвия?

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ADEPTUS CUSTODES,Warhammer 40000,wh40k, warhammer 40k, ваха, сорокотысячник,фэндомы,Wh News,Adeptus Custodes,Imperium,Империум

Кодекс содержит:
– Three datasheets: Custodian Guard Squad, Venerable Dreadnought & Land Raider
– One detachment: Golden Legion Task Force
– Armoury of the Adeptus Custodes and Aegis of the Emperor special rule
– Adeptus Custodes Warlord Traits
– Background for the Adeptus Custodes' return to the galaxy
– A showcase of Adeptus Custodes Citadel Miniatures
IV Adrptut Custodc». Il i> .1 name tpoken in reverent whisper». for these warrior» have »rood in tl»e presence of the immortal Emperor of Mankind, and are charged with hit protection. Hit greatness runt in their trim, undiluted by the passage of aeon». They hate been called

Л» pari of Ihr Talons of Ihr Emprror, Ihr Adrpluk Cuklodro arr ihr golden chm of ihr Imprrial hagle, ihr bringer» of Trrrm’a bellicose vengeance arm« ihr galaxy. Thrir gleaming weapon« and pagranlry of war incorporalr ihr finrxl example« of ihr ballle-artificer’» »kill.,Warhammer 40000,wh40k,

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The following section include* datasheet* for the nighty warrior* of the Adeptu* Custodes, iheir ancient and powerful vehicle assets, and a Detachment enabling )OU to field them in battle. Also included are a unique set of Warlord Traits for the leaders of the Emperor's personal