Это не тот ли добрый человек пырнувший Хоруса Анафемом?!
А так же с Хоруса, который пропустил удар...
А так же с Хоруса, который пропустил удар...
А разве возможно от анафема уклониться? Я так понял, что услышав имя жертвы, анафем всячески стремится его ранить/убить.
Расстрелять/сжечь/разнести на расстоянии/послать почётную гвардию. Но Хорус не знал с чем сталкивается, а так как Евген был его жуть ли не другом, то и встреча должна была быть сугубо личной.
The weapons appeared to be semi-sentient, as the Interex claimed the weapons could be instructed to recognize a particular person, which gave them the ability to mortally wound that person. When Horus would not side with Temba, he spoke Warmaster's name to the anathame and attacked with an agility that could not have come from his bloated, decaying body, driving the blade through the Warmaster's left shoulder before Horus slew him.
Had it been any other weapon, Horus would have survived and healed normally, but the anathame had his name and Horus's Astartes physiology could not heal its wound.
- как бы и да, но "самоноводки" на мече не вижу. Я представлял наложение Чумы Нургла (или что-то такое), а вот оно как.
The weapons appeared to be semi-sentient, as the Interex claimed the weapons could be instructed to recognize a particular person, which gave them the ability to mortally wound that person. When Horus would not side with Temba, he spoke Warmaster's name to the anathame and attacked with an agility that could not have come from his bloated, decaying body, driving the blade through the Warmaster's left shoulder before Horus slew him.
Had it been any other weapon, Horus would have survived and healed normally, but the anathame had his name and Horus's Astartes physiology could not heal its wound.
- как бы и да, но "самоноводки" на мече не вижу. Я представлял наложение Чумы Нургла (или что-то такое), а вот оно как.
Есть неподтвержденная инфа, что анафем дает обладателю несравненные мастерство и ловкость (...attacked with an agility that could not have come from his bloated, decaying body...).
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