It is common practice amongst the savage hive gangers of Mortant to take body parts as trophies from defeated enemies Colonel Radge of the Mortant VII encouraged his men to continue this custom, earning them a vicious reputation. This came to a head during the infamous Sacking of Colonia. during

Lcxxian IX Sawtooths’
It is a tradition amongst Lcxxian regiments to adopt one of the many vicious predators of their deathworld home as *
totem. The Lcxxian IX chose the Sawtooth as their mascot - a voracious feline hunter that can grow to the size a horse. It is claimed that a warrior mu defeat
Jumacl I 'Lucky Aces’
The ‘Lucky Aces' were the first regiment raised from the agri-world of (umacl IV. They earned their nickname during the Tywia campaign, in which they were the only regiment out of three to survive a warpstorm. The regiment then went on to take the fortress of Ironhidc when a