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Dagoth family

     PLEASE if you like it and want to see it, take a fullview version or better download it. You' ll make me happy if you'll do it.I'm back(again) and brought an important thing.You can see an group portrait of Dagoth family. (They can't stand right and clear.)
     Left to right: Odros, Gilvoth, Tureynul, Voryn(at mother's knees), their Mother( i called her Moresa), Araynys, Uthol, Vemyn and Endus.Thank you. No stupid comments please.PS 6 and pencil.(c)Bethesda 
     Одрос, Гильвот, Турейнул, маленький Ворин на коленях матери, Арайнис, Утол, Вемин и Эндус, вся семья в сборе, отца нет, он хэдканонно погиб.


"Hortator and Sharmat, one and one, eleven, an inelegant number. Which of the ones is the more important? Could you ever tell if they switched places? "
Vivec's sermons, sermon № 29
Nerevar Indoril(left) and Voryn Dagoth

"Наставник и Шармат, один и один, одиннадцать, неизящное число. Который из них важнее? Можешь ты сказать, не поменялись ли они местами?"
Проповеди Вивека, урок двадцать девятый

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