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Dire Wolf

Dire Wolf
We all know about the Warhound and the Rapier classes of Scout Titan for those of us that have read the Black Library books or Adeptus Titanicus campaign books.  But have you ever heard of the Dire Wolf?  Today changes that.
Unlike its kin, this Scout Titan is designed to not only find the enemy forces, but actually take the fight to them if the situation requires it.
It's chunky, stubby, and cute in its own way.  This Titan isn't near as sleek and lithe as its Warhound cousin, but it's also an up-gunned beast in comparison.  Twin ardex defensor mega-bolters are mounted in the arms, while the carapace hardpoint has the option of taking a neutron laser or a volcano cannon.  This puppy has some bite!
And yes, Audax players, you finally get something other than the tried and true Warhound.  You'll have some harder hitting weaponry to add to your arsenal.  However, all Legios can take this new little brawler and we can't wait to see it hit the field.  What are your thoughts on the new Titan?

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