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Prisoners of the Pit

(26 фото) 

Jaller (maestro_mocs)

Matoro (buttloaf_builds)

Hahli (Patrick Biggs)

Kongu (Ballom Nom Nom)

Nuparu (Brick_Diamonds)

Hewkii (Jayfa)

Mantax (Brick Brickolson)

Kalmah (Aiden.Builds)

Takadox (Johann Dakitsch)

Pridak (Ryan Z.)

Ehlek (VelociJACKtor)

Carapar  (Cornbuilder)

Maxilos and Spinax (Mitch Phillips)

Hydraxon (Poor Disadvantaged)

Nocturn ([VB])

Gadunka (Cody Avery)

Lesovikk (Sandro Quattrini)

Karzahni (DanielBrickSon)

Thulox (rockmonster 2000)

Morak (Eero Okkonen)

Dekar (The Secret Walrus)

Defilak (Brick_Diamonds) 

Sarda (lache)

Idris (Pohaturon)

Squid Ammo (optimus-convoy)

Pit Brutaka (Ivan Martynov)

Island of Doom Collab - Переосмысление наборов Bionicle 2006 года

(27 фото)

Jaller Inika (Jayfa)

Hahli Inika (Pohaturon)

Nuparu Inika (Brick_Diamonds)

Hewkii Inika (buttloaf_builds)

Kongu Inika (Patrick Biggs)

Matoro Inika (Yannick Godts)

Reidak, the Tracer (Brick_Diamonds)

Hakann, the Bully (Cornbuilder)

Vezok, the Beast (Johann Dakitsch)

Zaktan, the Snake (Djokson)

Avak, the Trigger (rockmonster 2000)

Thok, the Drifter (DanielBrickSon)

Velika (Pohaturon)

Kazi (Mitch Henry)

Piruk (Ballom Nom Nom)

Balta (Ballom Nom Nom)

Dalu and Captain Garan (The Secret Walrus)

Axxon (optimus-convoy)

Brutaka (Rеdverse)

Botar (Eero Okkonen)

Vezon, the Disaster (Poor Disadvantaged)

Kardas (TolerantAxe97)

Umbra (Brick Brickolson)

Irnakk (Dylan Mievis)

Piraka Outpost (Ivan Martynov)

Piraka and Catapult (Ivan Martynov)

Good Guy (Cody Avery)

Pontiff K'hlnu'kthl

Comrade Lenin, Champion of the Fatherland

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