DW Art

DW Art

Автор - GraphYourToy

Aliens of the Third Doctor

by DaveB23
Аннотация от автора:
These are the aliens and monsters from the Third Doctor era of Doctor Who 1970 - 1974.  The Master is a deliberate omission as likenesses take a long time to do. 

L to R front to back:
Auton, Silurian, Ambassador of Death, Primord, Giant Maggot
Spiridonian, Bok, Keller Machine, Axon humanoid, Axon depersonalised, Uxariean primitive, Uxariean Guadian
Sea Devil, Ice Warrior, Ogron, Dalek Supreme, Ice Lord, Alpha Centauri, Arcturus, Mut
Exxilon, Draconian, Gelguard, Omega, Sontaran, Vega Nexos, Aggedor
Tyrannosaurus Rex, Drashig, Exxilon City Root, Silurian Pet
Nestene Consciousness, Chronos, Exxilon City, Azal, The Great One
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